My Nightingale

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Ram's gang paid visits all most every day depending on their availability. Now they have to look after the office work without Ram. Adi always comes to the hospital in the evening time.

Priya came to know about Ram's past life a lot from Adi and Bri, they shared their memories with her. They supported Priya in this difficult time and encouraged her, never letting her feel alone in Ram's absence.

Priya and Adi were chatting in the hospital room when the doctor came for a check-up.

Adi: Doctor, how's Ram doing? any improvement in his condition.

Doctor: There wasn't much improvement in his condition after 4 weeks but he is stable. It's a positive sign.  

Adi: Ram told me that he was tired of all of these things and wanted to take a little break from it. So Ram is taking a rest now, nothing else

The doctor left the room and Priya stood there with teary eyes as her hope is sinking that moment. 

Adi: It's good that he is taking a long break from his responsibilities. Once he will walk up then everyone will start demanding and pulling him from everywhere.

Please let him rest a little longer so that he can get energized and he can stand up stronger for his family and friends again. Ram will be back for sure, he can't leave us like that.

Priya: This accident happened because of my foolishness. I kept the number plate inside our drawer. It's my fault that put Mr. Kapoor's life in danger unknowingly.

Adi: No Priya, Ram always exclaimed as a failed son because he couldn't be able to find the truth behind his dad's accident. He had a number of sleepless nights in the last 15 years. 

Ram was searching for that driver as this could lead us to the real culprit. He knew that the car number plate was removed after the incident by someone and it was not an accident but rather a planned one. But he was occupied with family responsibilities and couldn't able reopen the case without solid evidence. 

Priya, you gave the missing clue that Ram was looking at the last 15 years. Now at least Ram will be guilt-free from his dad's accident after punishing his murder. Ram gave justice to his father and he got closure because of you only. 

Adi: We'll scold him for hiding his plan from us once he will conscious. I don't expect any mercy from Bri.

Priya smiled a little and relaxed with Adi's words. Priya sat next to the bed after Adi left. she gently held Ram's hand close to her heart.

Priya was thinking about the one day before the accident event


Priya went to Sood's house in the evening and shared the car number plate with Meera. Meera requested Priya not to disclose this to Ram as it will affect both the marriages. Kapoors will never forgive us rather will break both alliances.

Ram called her the next day morning but no reply from Priya. Ram went to her house next morning. Priya doesn't know how to face Ram due to the guilt of hiding the truth. Priya fought with Ram intentionally.

Priya: why are you here? I'm not going anywhere.

Ram: I'm here to take you back home

Priya: This is my home where I truly belong and KM is your house. I came here to cool down myself.

Ram: We need to talk and sort out our problems like mature people. It's childish to stay here and avoid me. You can stay angry with me at KM also.

Priya: Neither I want to talk with you nor will go with you.

Ram: You're angry but that doesn't mean you will make the distance between us.

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