Stranded Relationship

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Priya settled down on the bed after dinner and started reading a novel. Ram entered the room while surfing his mobile. Ram cleared his throat to get Priya's attention

Ram:  Actually, I'd a call from the lawyer and he informed me that we have to present in the Magistrate court tomorrow afternoon, the first appearance for the hearing.

Everything is arranged and it will be in his chamber. It won't take much time as it's a mutual agreement between us.

Ram left the room without looking into Priya. 

Priya in mind, I don't know why I'm hesitating to tell him that I want this marriage and stop him from proceeding further?

I was looking for the right opportunity to discuss this with Ram but it's too late. I haven't got the courage to ask him about it. Fear of losing him or maybe rejection by him which will break my heart. 

Priya was in dilemma and seeks someone's guidance to clear this misunderstanding, her first instinct was Meera Maa. She didn't tell anyone about it yet, specially Maa

The next morning, Ram dropped Priya at Sood's house and ask her to text the time when the driver can pick her up.

Priya entered the room and was shocked to see everyone's reaction.

Meera: Priya, I heard that you and Ram getting divorce, is it true?

Priya: yes Maa 

Sara: It's not fair and I'll ask him how can he be so insensitive towards you? 

Meera: did Nandini Ji force Ram? 

Priya: no, it's our decision

Sara: You took care of Ram in hospital while his family was busy with parties. The whole Kapoors are a thankless jerk but I didn't expect from him. we can talk to Ram and convenience him

Priya: We have got a court hearing this afternoon and no need to force him

Sara: He turned out to be another selfish person who used your innocence, now ready to leave you because of an incident that happened 15yr ago.

Priya: It was my decision and I asked for a divorce and Mr. Kapoor agreed without any explanation.

Meera: I know you well, you can't break a relationship.

Priya: It's me, blame me for it. 

Meera: Why?

Priya: No more questions, please. 

Nobody asked about his well-being, how is he after knowing his family's truth?

Sara: you're still concerned about Ram. He doesn't deserve your love or care.

Meera: I need an answer from him, he can't break his promise. I'll never forgive him if he punishes my daughter for her father's action

Priya: It's a punishment for me being a daughter of Mr and Mrs Sood.

Sara: Priya, you are insulting Maa to defend Ram. Ram is hurting your feelings, ours too

Priya: I'm not insulting Maa but rather showing the mirror. Mr. Kapoor can't hurt me. 

I want this news shouldn't go out of this room. It's completely confidential, it will affect his image and business.

Sara: I'm surprised to see that he is a successful businessman and couldn't able to catch his family's lie for years. I thought he is sharp-minded and no one can fool him. 

Priya's anger reached roof level now.

Priya: Agreed, it's his fault only that lead to his miseries. He believed everyone so easily that anyone can backstab him.

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