You Complete Me

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The next day Ram woke up a little late and was looking completely off. He got ready for the office and asked Tarun for the medicine along with the juice. Priya realized that Ram is not well today so she asked him to stay at home. Ram declined her suggestion due to an important meeting in the office. Priya went to Ram's cabin at lunchtime to check on him and Adi informed her that Ram is down with fever but he is not listening to them. Priya entered the cabin with a straight face. 

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, what are you doing here? You should go home and take a rest now.

Ram: Priya, I'm not that bad that I need rest. I'd medicine and will be fine soon.

Priya: I know I don't have any right to say but can suggest to you as a well-wisher, that medicine won't help you to recover fully without rest. 

Ram: I told you earlier that today we have got an important meeting, I'll go home straightway after this. Thanks for asking

Priya: You're a stubborn and exasperating person who never listens to my advice until get scolded, just like kids who never listen to their parents. Your work is important but you need to look after yourself as well. Otherwise, it will affect your business eventually. Someone needs to feed some common sense on your head. 

Ram: Excuse me, you mean I'm stubborn and giving trouble to you

Adi: I told you Ram please go home and I'll manage everything here. Your health is far more important than anything else. Priya is right and you go home. I'll call the driver. No more argument please, otherwise I'll inform Bri now.

Ram gave a death glare at Adi as he can't shout at him in front of Priya now. Ram came back home with Priya and flopped into bed without changing his clothes. Nandini called the doctor, he asked them to keep eye on him for the next few days as his BP is high along with seasonal fever. He is unwell due to a vexatious lifestyle and needs complete rest until fully recovered. He will send a nurse to look after him. Tarun put the wet cloth on his forehead as per Priya's instructions while she prepared the Kada. The nurse monitored him regularly while Priya was sitting next to him whilst caressing him and massaging his forehead. Priya prepared dinner but he refused to eat anything. The nurse gave him medicines and injections as per the doctor's advice. Ram's BP dropped slightly along with his body temperature by night time. It's Sunday, Adi came to see him but found Ram was sleeping due to weakness and tiredness and he left without disturbing him.

Adi: Priya, I know you can take care of him easily. That's why we are not worried about him and can focus on work in his absence. Please call me if you need any help.

Priya: Sure I'll. Thanks for coming.

In the evening time, Priya gave some soup to Ram after he woke up. Priya helped him to eat and gave him the medicine. 

Ram: Sorry Priya, you couldn't able to take a rest yesterday because of me. Please take a break now, Tarun will help me if needed.

Priya: If I'll be in your place then you would have done the same. So no sorry.

Ram: Ram hold her hand gently and his eyes filled with gratitude and said thank you

Priya: You're welcome Mr.Kapoor

Ram:  I was a little rude on Friday. I was so happy to see you after 3 days but this didn't stay for long, I had to go immediately instead of spending the time with you.  All my frustration burst on you that day. I don't know why I got angry with you, sorry Priya.

Priya: Remember, one day you said that I'm the first person who made you angry. All your strong emotions are reserved for me. Have you ever been angry with Adi?

Ram: Of course, he had witnessed my pain, frustration, and disappointment for many years and faced my anger too. He is my buddy, my family and I love him.

Priya: *With a smile* I'm your family as well. You held on to yourself calmly when I got angry likewise I did the same. 

Ram: ofcourse, you're my family. It was my fault that I lost control at that moment.

Priya: It wasn't all your fault. You know your family better but I poked my nose in it and you ended in a soup. You could rearrange that meeting another time instead of going on the same night. 

Ram: So you're not angry with me

Priya: not because of this but I'm angry,  you didn't call me from Delhi. promise me that you will do whatever I said.

Ram: Actually I wrapped up everything 1 day before and thought will give a surprise instead of disturbing your stay at Meera maa's house. 

I'll follow all your command without any arguments. do I have the courage to face my wife's fierce anger?

Priya: With a smile, please change your name to Mr. charming Kapoor

Ram: You can call me whatever you want. Actually, I'd planned to go out today but it all washed away due to me. We can plan for next Sunday if you're free.

Priya: Your health is more important now but we can go on next Sunday if you recover completely. By the way, where do you want to go?

Ram: if you have got something in your mind then we can go, otherwise I'll plan.

Priya: not specific but we can start our day by going to the temple, after that your choice except for the shopping mall

Ram: sure Priya. Your driver is always ready and we can go wherever you want.

Priya smiled and got the thermometer and checked his temperature, its just above 100 degree. Ram and Priya were sitting in bed and he lean his head on her shoulder and said softly, 

Ram: You fill my void with your presence and care and become my good habit. I'll be lost if you ever leave me as others did in past. 

Priya held his hand and said, I'll never leave you. Priya touched his face and said you're very special to me. You broke my inner wall in a gentle way and became my strength. Ram was overwhelmed and tears dropped from his eyes. 

Ram: I'm lucky to have you in my life. You stole my loneliness which no one ever did for me. You just complete me. Words can't describe how thankful I'm.

Ram kissed her forehead and she also reciprocated it. They sat together for a while and gave comfort and console each other. They found solace and peace in each other's  arms

Priya: Let me go to the kitchen and prepare the dinner

Ram: I'll go down with you as I'm bored just lying in bed the whole time.

Shubu came back home on Sunday evening at 9 pm without knowing what happened behind him. Ram accidentally saw him and wanted know the cause of sudden change in his plan.

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