Dungen Of Darkness

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Thank you everyone for all your support and for sharing your thoughts and constructive feedback on the updates. 

Things are changing quickly and we react depending on our perception and current situation. Hope you guys like this little surprise. 

Happy Dewali Everyone! Stay healthy and spread happiness


Ram comforted her in his arm as she was on high and engaged her in their sweet banter. He can't miss childish Priya for a long time.

Ram: You better sleep now, it's late now 

Finally, Ram managed to convince Priya to settle down in bed after a long time and he went to his side.

Priya: Why are you sleeping too far?

She sat down and moved closer to his side and held him tightly from his back

I know you're still angry and don't want to talk with me. Can you cuddle me and we can continue our fighting tomorrow?

After hearing this his heart melted. Ram flipped and embraced her in his arm and pulled her closer. 

Ram: I'm not angry with you Jaan. Sorry if I hurt you, I was scared. I shouldn't have left you alone here today. 

Priya( with a smile ): now I can sleep.

They looked into each other's eyes and dived into heaven with closing eyes, he gave her a lingering kiss for the first time and her heart doesn't want anything else from him.

They didn't know how long they devoured but for them, the time was stopped. Their kiss for their love, frustration and fear was built up for the last few hours. 

Ram pulled her closer so that her head was on his chest and he wrapped his arm around her to give her a feeling of protection and care, also his worries and fears were melting. Priya wanted to talk but he stopped her. 

Priya smiled and Ram caressed her until she fell asleep and put a forehead kiss

Ram (in mind ): It's all my fault to put you in this situation, your life is not safe here and keeping you away from your family.

I know what you are missing even though not vocal and I'll do everything to bring back your smile, you won't suffer with me anymore. I promise

I lost so much that I don't have the courage to face another. I can live alone if you're safe somewhere far.

Ram stayed vigilant almost the whole night and slept in the wee hours. Priya woke up a bit late in the morning with nausea and bad headache due to alcohol side effects. 

Ram rushed to help her to clean her face and gave the hangover drink and asked her to take full rest.

Ram: You know well that you can't handle hard drink then why did you drink

Priya (looked angrily): It's your fault. I'm suffering because of you

Ram gulped down silently and knew it was his mistake and admitted it.

Priya: Forget it, I guess the situation was complicated slightly last night

Ram (sat on the bed edge and hold her hand): For a moment I thought I lost you. I can't tell you what I went through and felt when saw your condition.

Priya (touched his face): I'm feeling very happy today

Ram looked at her face with confusion and couldn't understand her at all but held her hand between his

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