Walk On A Lonely Road

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Ram and Priya were embarrassed by that incident and both left the crowd giving some excuses from that place but Adi came behind him. Priya went back to her room to take a rest after messaging Ram.

Adi: Ram, you both understand very well and love each other

Ram (wide his yes): Who told you?

Adi: I'm not blind, anyone can see this clearly. Why can't you move forward in your relationship?

Ram: I don't know, she is not fully opened up to me and I can feel there is something hidden. I don't want to rush rather give us time to know each other and build trust between us. 

Adi: Only emotional support won't help you to shut down all her insecurities. Hope you understand what I mean to say

Ram (with a little smile): I get your point. 

Ram left the party early to the hotel room after talking to Adi but sleep was far from him tonight, same for Priya too. They missed each other badly but can't express it and dozed off in the wee hour. 

The next day morning, Ram woke up early with half eyes opened and saw Priya lovingly staring at him.

Priya (softly kiss him): Good morning

Ram: Jaan, morning is getting better day by day with your presence

Ram engulfed her tightly in his arm and pecked her lips gently and opened his eyes and found no one. It was his hallucination or could be a daily habit to see Priya next to him.

He smiled and got ready for his meeting but little disappointed that there is no text or call from Priya. He dropped a message to Priya and informed her that he will be there around 12 and the flight timing is at 4:30 pm. 

He finished his meeting quickly and headed to Shivi's penthouse as he can't wait anymore to see Priya. 

Ram spent some time chatting with everyone and assimilating the family vibe that he was missing for so many days.

Ram noticed that Priya was much better today and happy too and thought this may be due to spending time with her siblings.

Sara: Priya, you need to convince ram to come back to Mumbai

Priya: We'll talk about this later Sara Di

Ram: Sorry Sara Di, it's not possible for me but I didn't stop Priya to go and meet her family. I asked her earlier too

Sandy: Pri Di please, come with us for 2/3 days home. Maa will be very happy to see you. She misses you a lot.

Sara: Maa is thinking that Priya Di is still angry with us and that's why she left the city without informing Maa and stay cut off from us.

Ram: what? I didn't get it. what happened?

Sara: Ram, the day when we came to know about your divorce, we were accusing you only and using little harsh words for you. Priya was fired on us and scolded badly. I have to say she was right about everything and we apologised for this later.

Sandy: Actually, we met Mrs Kapoor for the first time that day. Then we realised that Di is married now and we need to think before we say anything against Jiju and we are not her family anymore

Ram (felt like he was on cloud 9 but masked it quickly): Priya never told me anything about it. I'm sorry about it if you feel so. But the fact is she loves you all and missed you. 

You all were her family and I'm just newly added to that inner circle.

Sandy: Thanks Jiju. You both are the best couple who defend each other in every situation.

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