Day Dreamer

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Priya glared at Ram first after entering the room and then at the whole room's condition. Ram scattered the files all over the bed while busy on the laptop.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, what is this?

Ram: Eyes glued to screen, give me 5 min, I'll be done 

Priya: What have you done to this room? It looks like a monkey came here and did the rampage.

Ram:  I'll clear everything.

Priya: Nothing is in place excluding you. files on the bed, a magazine on the floor, a chocolate wrapper on the bedside, a wet towel on the couch including his night cloth, a few cups, one flipper near-bed another near table.

She looked in the wardrobe and her scarf was peeking out, she opened the wardrobe door and screamed 

Priya: Oh God, who touched my side of the wardrobe?

Ram: I was looking for my clothes and forgot to tidy up. I'll call Tarun, don't worry

Priya glared at him with frustration, Ram quickly picked up the files from the bed and stack them all.

Ram:  Sorry I was occupied with important work. 

Priya: I don't need your help, you will create more problems for me.

Ram: Sorry Priya, I messed up everything in rush. Tarun can help us 

Priya stamped into the opposite side of the bed with a scowl on her face 

Ram: You always scared me with your stern look, making me feel like I did a big crime. 

Priya: These are basic daily work and I'm not comfortable taking help

Ram: with a puppy face, I will not call Tarun rather will do it myself then. Sorry

Priya melted with his sincere apology. She smiled to see his clumsiness but his genuine effort to help her in tidying the room.

Priya: You think your puppy face will save you from being scolded

Ram: What? I said sorry n number of times already but still taunting me

Priya: wait, I mean you're looking cute as a puppy after my long lesson. But your smile and charm won't work on me.

Ram: I'm not cute rather handsome and hot. You're simply jealous Mrs. Kapoor.

Priya: definitely not

Ram came closer and held her wrist gently

Ram: Mrs Kapoor, one day you'll admit that you're affected by me. 

Priya: You're a daydreamer, far from reality

Ram: With smirked, Yes Indeed, I was dreaming about you on a broad day. 

Priya: Stop being clingy

Ram: You'll be Khadoos at any given time. 

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, let's drop this topic. I'll tidy up the room in my way.

Within 15 min, the whole room was tidy. Priya freshened up quickly and settled down on the couch. Tarun kept the snacks with 2 chocolate shakes on the table. 

Ram: I know it's unhealthy but I can get a cheat meal per day, right?

Priya looked at his grinning face and nodded her head yes.

Priya: Why are you doing office work today? 

Ram: I was bored just laying in bed and having nobody to talk to. Madam was busy in her college. 

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