Rainbow After The Storm

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Priya was busy with her book writing while Ram with his business setup. She noticed Ram for 2 weeks, he wasn't available at home to talk and was back to workaholic mode.  

Ram's routine was like sleeping for 2/3 hr and waking up early in the morning at 4 am. He prepared his breakfast himself and went out for his business-related work which he had yet to disclose. He takes Joe on either morning or evening walks. 

It was bedtime and Priya wanted to find out about Ram's business development.

Priya: Ram, nowadays you're staying outside most of the time. did you start a new business?

Ram (exhale in tiredness): Not yet but I'm in the process to finalise a new business. I'll share it with you once it's all set up. 

Priya: Amazing! time for celebration then

Ram: Hopefully, we'll celebrate soon

Priya: I think you need to make a balance between your work and personal life. Nowadays you're back into machine mode. 

Ram: You know my hobby is making profit and money, that's what I'm trying to do 

Priya: People can't be efficient if their personal life is disturbed

Ram: My personal life is more stable compared to the past. 

Priya: I know what you have been through for the last couple of months. You need to stay physically and mentally fit to manage your business. 

I've seen people who went through personal loss or any trauma they had depression

Ram: That's why whenever I face any setback in my personal life, I channelled myself into business. 

Also, the golden rule of life is don't expect anything from anyone.

Priya: Basically you put your efforts where you can gain more

Ram: Never given a chance to think about loss or loneliness but rather focus on productive goals. 

I'm putting my effort where I can get a return and there is no other place better than business.

Priya: I would suggest you consult with a doctor

Ram: Yes, it's on my list but the priority is to sign the contract for new business and settled down in it.

Let's stop talking about me, how was your day and how far are you with your writing?

Priya: It was ok and but couldn't able to write more than a page.

Ram: don't be hard on yourself, I guess you need some inspiration and a short break. Give me few days, I'll plan something.

Priya: Take your time. After all, you planned your France tour within one night

Ram: Ms Sood, is that a taunt?

Priya: Take it as a compliment if you can make a holiday plan quickly. Otherwise, you know

Ram: Don't worry Ma'am, you'll see what RK is capable of 

Ram searched on his laptop and booked accommodation for 3 days in Shimla. 

Ram: All done, be ready for this weekend

Priya: Done? Where?

Ram: It's a surprise. 

Priya settled down to sleep with a smile and Ram continued his work a little longer before retiring to bed.

They reached Shimla hill station on Saturday afternoon after a long 8hr drive and Priya was excited to see the place. They enjoyed the road trip with breathtaking views of hillsides surrounded by pine and oak forest. 

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