You and Me

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A few days passed without any drama or issues in KM. One day, Priya went to the bakery after her class and felt that Sara was a little disturbed.

Priya: Is everything ok? It must be difficult for you to manage the bakery alone few days.

Sara: I know you have other work as well, it wasn't that bad at all in fact we got some big orders yesterday.

Priya wanted to help her sister anyhow and she knows that Ram can help with this. He is a person who feels happy to help others. She decided to discuss with Ram about Sara di tonight. Ram was checking his emails after dinner.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, how was your day?

Ram: It was like a normal day. Are you ok, Priya? is there something specific that you want to know or want to ask? 

Priya: Actually, can I ask you a favor? There is no pressure for you to do it, just wanted to check if you can. 

Ram: why are you so formal? you can ask me anything.

Priya: Sara di is staying with us whereas her in-laws are in Delhi. She wanted to settle down in Mumbai with her family for a long time. At the moment I have not spoken with Di yet and wanted to check with you first. Do you think we can help them in any way? 

Ram: I would be happy to help Sara di and her family in any sense. I'll talk to Sara di tomorrow about it. Sara di will never know that you asked me.

Priya: I was about to tell you this, don't mention my name rather make it a random topic. With a smile, you always surprised me

Ram: Actually, I'm also surprised by you. I'm glad to hear WE from your mouth rather than you and me. 

Priya: We're family and you gave me the confidence to accept my HAQ on you and our relationship whole-heartedly.

Ram: Both these families are our responsibilities and we'll deal with our problems together, not alone. Never feel shy to ask for anything. You've all right on me.

Priya: With a hearted smile, I know that.

The next day Mr. Dixit came to Ram's office to discuss the progression of the case. He informed Ram that the accident car was registered in the police station as a stolen car and couldn't find any other link between Mr. Sood with it. But someone called from a Delhi phone number and paid that local goon for doing the accident.

Ram: We don't have any suspects till now

MR. Dixit: Your actual enemy is still unknown but their henchman can do anything to mislead us to find the truth and I'm hoping to find another link soon. I'm double-checking all the evidence in your father's case. I wanted to ask you for some personal details. Do you have seen anything unusual?

Ram: I'd a call from an unknown number who was threatening me about a land dispute. I guess this is not relevant in our case. Let's not discuss this in the office rather will book a different place.

Mr. Dixit: Mr. Kapoor please be alert and don't go without your security, you won't be lucky every time. Take care

Ram knew that this could be another dead end but he will keep looking for his answers till found the lorry driver's details to unlock this riddle. There is a possibility that dad's accident and this unknown enemy have some connection. There is a sword hanging on his head, anything can happen. 

Ram and Priya went to the room after dinner and Priya found that Ram was absent-minded due to some reason. So she decided to uplift his mood before sleep otherwise he will stay awake the whole night.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, you asked for a day out on weekend. We can go this Sunday if you want

Ram: Yes Priya, that's awesome. I've got one meeting but I can rearrange that meeting for next week.

Ram was very excited to spend a whole day with Priya. She was listening to his full-day plan. He thought so much for them. She can't wait to explore a day alone with Ram and bring back the farmhouse memories again.

Ram: I can't wait for another 56 hr 55min and 22 sec.  

Priya: One thing I can guarantee is that you were a good student and your favorite subject was math.

Ram: Kind of. You know Priya, I wasn't good at Mathematics in school first and I failed in maths in year 5. Dad neither scold me nor cut my pocket money. He told me that if I can score the highest mark in class then he will spend a whole day with me, there will be no phone or office work, or no one else from family either. It will be just me and my dad. I studied hard in the next year and topped in class. I never looked back after that as I grew up my focus on study. After that every year I did spend a full day with my dad, that was my day in the true sense, and waited for a year to get that golden chance. Sometimes, we used to go fishing, climbing, on forest tours, and boating as per my wish. My dad became my Santa Claus and fulfilled all my wishes on that day.

Priya can see his eyes turned into the cloudy shade with lingering emotions. He wasn't crying that time when his heart is so full, aching, and brimming with pain. How could he stop that tiny drop from falling out is beyond her capacity.

Priya:  When did your dad marry Nandini Mom?

Ram: When I was 10yr old, dad's life changed after that marriage, and he found happiness again.

Priya can clearly see that Ram's life turned upside down after it but his priority was dad rather than his own feelings. Maybe that's the reason he was distracted from his study.

Ram: These were my golden memories with my dad which were captured by my heart. These treasures will last forever. 

Ram cleared his throat and said let's sleep, it's already late now. Good night Priya.

It was the day when Shubu gave the presentation and they seal the deal with Mr. Bhatia. Everyone was happy with his work and congratulated him. Shubu came to Ram's cabin after the meeting.

Ram: Congratulation Shubu, brilliant job

Shubu: Thanks Bhai. I did it without your help this time and it won't be the last one. Bye.

Ram came back home before dinner time and showed his gratitude to Priya, he knew she encouraged Shubu in this. Ram was sitting in the bar when Priya said I thought people drink when they are stressed.

Ram: It's a special day for me, Shubu has a company but in a real sense he initiated it today and soon he will be fully independent to take ownership. I'm very happy after a long time.

Priya: I guess he is still angry with you

Ram: I know, but I'm ok with it. He has a lot of potential and something needs to push him in the right direction. If he can learn the work to prove me wrong then happy to face his resentment.

Priya: of course, he will achieve it with proper guidance from you and dedication to learn it.

Ram: Dad will be proud of him. You'll see he will reach sky high sooner, that day would be my real accomplishment as a brother. 

Priya: You both brothers are pillars of this family and this will never break as long as you're here.

Ram: I'd promised my dad to look after them and I'm trying my hardest to protect their future. I was always scared about my family's security. Who will look after them if anything happens to me? Shubu is mature enough to take responsibility now and can handle the business and family both after me. Half of my tension vanished now.

Priya: Let's go to the room and take some rest. We have to wake up early tomorrow.

Shubu heard their conversation from a little far without being noticed and was surprised to see how much Ram is still invested in their future. His Mom never believed that he can run the business whereas his Bhai and Bhabhi are so sure that he is perfectly fit for it.

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