Sleeping Beauty

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Ram called his lawyer the next day and asked him to prepare the will paper asap. Ram called Mr. Dixit and arrange a meeting to discuss the plan to trap MS and Sashi.

It was a fine Friday and Priya went to the bakery to help Sara. They were chatting when Priya was surprised that Sara's wedding and VK's death were on the same day. Priya couldn't able to share this information with him as he was tired and came back home late. 

After 4 weeks

It was summertime, there was no moon in the sky and the stars were vivid along with the street lights from the far end. 

There was a car flipped upside down on the road a little far and she ran towards the car to check the passengers. It was a dreadful scene, she saw broken glass all around the accident spot with the indicator lights flashing from the car. She smelted petrol as it was leaking from the car. 

Then her eye stuck on the car number plate and her heart lurched in panic. It was Ram's car and his right hand which had their wedding ring came out from the driver's window. 

Priya screamed his name Ram loudly but he was not in the sense to hear her voice. she was crying and begging him to open his eyes. Her body was shivering with fear and her heart was sinking to see his condition, her world is going to end soon. Priya held his right palm tightly so that he can feel her touch.

Priya: Please Ram, open your eyes. I can't live with you. You're my everything. I love you a lot. You vowed to me that you will never leave me. You can't break your promise, break my heart. Please look at me once if you really love me.

The blood was oozing from his body and slowly he came to sense and opened his eyes, he gave a painful smile. Priya was a little relieved and there is hope in her eye.

Priya: Ram please don't close your eye. The ambulance will be here soon. Just talk to me. 

Ram: With a very shaky and low breaking voice, Priya takes care of my family 

Ram closed his eyes again due to pain and Priya shouted loudly. She opened her sleepy eye with heavy breathing and found out that it was the accident nightmare that haunted her every day.

Priya was sitting on the couch of the hospital room alone at the night. Noone is around her except Ram who is silently sleeping with peace adorned on his face even though it was pale. He has got plaster on his left hand and right leg with a bandage covering his whole head. Nowadays he is not talking or munching not even looking at her. He was not teasing her anymore.

Priya can't even see his green-blue eyes which never lie to her. In her mind saying, our story turned into a sleeping beauty tale where she can't wake him up with a kiss.

Ram was still sleeping in a coma for nearly 4 weeks and had no response from his body yet. Doctors were giving him less hope for his survival chance and he is on a ventilator but Priya believed that Ram will come back to her as he never breaks his promise. 

Priya: I know it was my fault, I didn't listen to you and fight with you that day. I'd said sorry millions of times to you for my behavior. I was confused that time and left you alone without knowing the truth. I refused to come back with you, that's why you're taking revenge on me. I'll never let you go anywhere. I'd promised you and will keep it until my last breath.

You always told me to share your pain and problems but you hid this biggest truth from me. This was not about my family, it was about justice, your pain, and your father. I knew this bitter truth could hurt me immensely and you wanted to protect me. 

The next day, Priya was sitting near Ram and lost in her thoughts


It was Saturday afternoon, and Priya was at KM. She unwrapped the photo frame where she saw the car number plate on it. She was sure to have seen this number somewhere before. She immediately opened the drawer to check the number plat she had. She was shocked to see that it matched that photo frame car. She had a hunch that Mr. Sood could be behind his dad's accident.

Priya called Ram immediately but he was unreachable and kept trying more than 10 times but no response. Priya went to the bakery straightway and discuss this with Sara

Sara: Ram is very sensitive towards his dad and we don't know the truth yet. MS could be the culprit as Meera Maa can't do anything wrong and he may have some link with Ram's dad or worked for Kapoor groups. Why did anyone remove the car number plate and why is it still with us? What's the purpose of this to keep it for such a long time?

Priya: I didn't know how come Maa has got this number plate? where did she get it? what's the connection between Maa and this car and Ram's dad? Is it a coincidence that Sara got married on the same date or there is any conspiracy?

Sara: Everything is sorted between you and Ram after a long time, don't make it complicated again. Whatever the truth, no need to hide it. He has all rights to know it. We both will get to the bottom of it first.

Priya got a message from Ram that he is stuck where there is no mobile network and can't call her. He might return the next day morning.

Priya went to Meera to get some clue but it went in vain. She stayed in Meera Maa's house that night and called Ram no of time but the phone was not reachable. 

It was Sunday morning, Priya came back to KM at 10 am and decided to share everything with Ram first. Priya saw Vedika at home and she quickly went upstairs to her room to check on Ram. Priya asked Tarun about him.

Tarun: Ram sir returned home around 7 am. He quickly freshened up and left home before 9 am.

Priya chided Ram and said 

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, if you can't pick up your phone then how can I tell you about MS and this big problem that's coming towards us. This man will never take a break from his work, not even on Sunday. Is this how you will balance your family and work? 

Priya went to the kitchen to prepare the lunch for Ram when Vedika came there to say hello. Vedika tried to be friendly with Priya with small talk until Ram came back in the afternoon.

Ram: Hi Vedika, is everything ok? you're here all of sudden. Did Sashi do something again?

Vedika: Hi Ram, yes Im fine. I was bored and Nandini aunty told me to come here and spend some time with her.

Ram looked at Priya and found that she was busy with her phone. So he sat in the living room and continued small talk with Vedika to get some information about Sashi and Sid.

Priya kept her eye on Ram and Vedika and wasn't insecure because she trusts him. Priya was thinking that Ram's biggest loss and grief were because of her father. She is worried that she might lose Ram if MS is involved in his dad's death. There is no way he will forget it and accept her in his life. Then Priya got a call from Meera and asked her to come home immediately and don't share anything with Ram until we talk.

Ram went to his room and found that Priya was ready to go out.

Ram: where are you going?

Priya: Why? I'm going to Maa's house. You go and spend time with your friend.

Ram: I was trying to be friendly with her only, no need to feel jealous. She is my past and you are my present and future. Everything.

Priya: I need some fresh air. do I need your permission to go to my mother's place?

Ram didn't say anything further and Priya went to Meera Maa's house. 

Priya came out of her thoughts with a door-opening sound and found that It was Adi.

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