Ram's Trust

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Ram was in deep thought, they both did this marriage for their siblings with a condition that they will never love again in their life. Priya made it clear that she will do the wife's responsibilities without being attached to him or loving him. But now he did a big mistake by falling in love with her and face another heartbreak. Priya hasn't considered me as her family yet and accepts your relationship wholeheartedly. My position in her life is like Pluto in the solar system who is not a planet. It was all my fault for the misinterpretation of Priya's care as love.   

Ram said to himself, I was happy with our friendship and bonding. I consider myself an expert on unsuccessful relationships which made me feel alone again. I need to keep my distance from her to hold my emotion until she is ready to trust me and accept our relationship and step towards me. I'll wait for her no matter how many days or years she needed. Yes, I'm sad and disappointed but I'll put on a happy face and move on. 

After 2 days Ram came back to Mumbai, Tarun welcomed Ram and asked about his trip and well-being. Ram replied in buoyant mode and went to the room straight. He asked Tarun to bring the breakfast to his room as he was tired after the journey. Ram walked near the photo frame which was gifted by Priya and removed that from the wall and put this in the drawer along with Priya's coupons. 

Priya came back to KM to see Ram after knowing Ram's arrival as she missed him a hell of a lot in the last 2 days and their sweet banter and his infectious smile.  She went to the room straight but Ram was sleeping and after that, her sight went to the wall where the photo frame was missing. She checked the bin and to a surprise, the photo frame wasn't broken like last time. Ram's trust is broken again and she can't complain about it. Priya prepared a nice lunch for Ram today. It was around 12 o'clock and Ram woke up and got ready for the office. 

Ram: Tarun where are you? I'm getting late for my meeting and will have my lunch in the office today.

Priya: Wait, I can pack the lunch if you want to have it in the office.

Ram: No need to pack the lunch, I'll have lunch with our client today. Thanks for your asking though. One more thing, I will be late tonight as I need to catch up on all the pending work. So please don't wait for dinner tonight. With a little smile said bye

Priya observed Ram's cold behavior towards her which she didn't like as Ram never behaved like this before. This situation is unlikely to be changed in the foreseeable future. 

Ram reached into the office and greeted everyone with his charming smile. Ram did a small talk with his gang before jumping to work. They couldn't read his mind as it was well crafted behind his fake smile on his face and looked full of energy and jubilant. Ram was busy in the office the whole afternoon and meetings were lined up till late evening. Ram came back home around 4 am and retired to bed after freshening up. Priya was awoken until Ram back from the office but kept silent and pretended to sleep. 

The next day Priya went to Ram's office to give the lunch box. Ram was super busy so Priya couldn't able to speak with him but heard that he canceled his lunch order. In the afternoon Priya went to Ram's cabin after her class and found that he went to Delhi for an urgent business meeting and will be back tomorrow. After some time she saw a message on phone from Ram to say thank you for lunch and he will be back tomorrow. Both were waiting for each other's call at night time but neither of them initiated to call. Priya decided not to call him as he needs more time to cool down. She was feeling lonely in that room and missing Ram's sweet banter. She knew him very well, he can't stay angry for a long time and if she apologizes to him then things will be normal in their life.

The next day ram back from his trip at night. They had dinner together silently and went to bed early as he was tired after the journey.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, I know you're tired but I need 5 minutes to talk

Ram: Is everything ok, Priya? No need to ask permission to talk with me. Please go on

Priya: You have removed the photo frame from the room. Does that mean you don't trust me because I hid the truth from you?

Ram: I do trust you just like the rest of my family Shubu, Shivi, Mami, Mom. But I can't blindly trust you anymore as you are not perfect what I thought before. I'll listen to my head and will trust based on evidence only. I'll put back the frame when we will have trust from both sides.

We're human and immune to do mistakes but we learn from our mistakes and be a better version of ourselves. The relations have to be built on trust and it has to be from both sides otherwise it will lose its balance. It's easy to give advice to other people on healthy relationships and trust but it's hard to follow it by yourself. For me, actions speak more than words.

Priya: I'm really sorry, I broke your trust again. I was confused at that time and had to choose Maitri's happiness over truth.

Ram: Friends don't say sorry or thank you. I don't want to interfere in your family matter. I know family always comes first for Priya Sood. I know how much you love and care for your family and I do respect that. You hid it for your family and maybe I would have done the same in that situation. I feel It's my fault as well, I couldn't able to give you enough assurance and security in those 6 months so that you can open up in front of me or share your problems with me. As a husband, I failed to earn your trust. So stop blaming yourself for it. 

It's getting late now, let's sleep. Good night.

Priya: good night Mr. Kapoor. 

Priya was thinking, I really feel guilty for doing such stupidity, I fell weak in front of my family and lose my perspective. It was so wrong with you but still, you're not doubting my intention or bad feeling for me rather taking the blame on yourself. I can see clearly, you're hurt deeply and pain in your eyes which never lies to me. Still, you are not mad at me rather fully controlled and calm, how? I would have roasted them alive if anybody would have done this to my family. That's the difference between you and me, I'm impulsive, rude whereas you are completely opposite, a gentleman with a forgiving, accommodating nature and patience immense. 

I'm so relieved that he understood my situation rather than be mad at me. One day I'll prove that I'm still trustworthy for him and he can blindly believe me like before. But there is still something about Mr. Kapoor that I'm missing nowadays, just don't know exactly what?  

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