Dodge The Bullet

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It was a break of dawn, Priya woke up and was surprised to see that Ram was working on his laptop. Ram signaled her toward Adi before she could say anything. He asked for coffee and Priya nodded her head with a smile. Ram got coffee for both of them and they moved to the conservatory area. Ram eyed the horizon through the double-glazed glass window like he was waiting for the sun to break. 

Priya: When did you wake up? 

Ram: Oh maybe an hour ago, I didn't want to disturb you so decided to stay outside and prepare my presentation. Did you sleep well last night? I found it difficult to sleep in a new place.

Priya: It wasn't that bad but yes little sleep deprived. Can we walk in the garden when it is a little bright outside?

Ram: Sure, I'll show you the full farmhouse, there is a swimming pool area with a barbecue on one side. Also a small play area too. Let's finish the coffee and then will go.

They took a round of the farmhouse and enjoyed the fresh breeze with skin touching the early sunlight. They came back before anyone woke up. Everyone got ready and finished their breakfast.

Bri: I've got a few options and let's discuss where you want to go first. Active center, botanical park, Zoo or the final option is shopping.

Kunal said Active center sounds good but Adi said we're too old for Active center and it's exhaustive. 

Ram: I'm still young and can do some jumping and climbing happily. Bri, which one do you prefer?

Bri: we can start with the Active center and then can go somewhere depending on available time.

Ram: Priya, are you ok with it? what's your preference

Priya: I'm agreed with Adi but it would be good to try something different. 

They all agreed with it and decided to go in 30min. Bri gave a bag to Ram which has jeans and a blue color half sleeve cotton shirt which is matching with Priya's dress. He opened the bag and was shocked.

Ram: Bri, you know I don't wear this kind of dress anymore. I'll be uncomfortable with it. 

Bri: I'm bored to see you in 3 piece suit all time. We are here for vacation, not for a business trip.  I've arranged matching clothes for us and don't want to listen to anything for 2 days. So please go and change it.

Ram: Okay Jaan, did I ever say no to you. I'll wear it. Happy

They were stunned to see Ram who reminded their college time, with a normal college-going boy look but Ram was a little awkward with it though. Priya couldn't stop herself from staring at him as he was looking so cute, innocent, and handsome today. This was noticed by Bri and she was happy that her plan is working but Ram missed it as he was busy chatting. 

They went to the Active center where a lot of activities and facilities were available like swimming, climbing, and a trampoline area along with a bowling, tennis court, etc. They tried different activities and enjoyed them wholesomely. Ram and Priya started with tenpin and Priya won the game.  Priya was a little scared of climbing but Ram helped in putting the harness properly and stayed behind her to encourage her. She slipped twice but Ram did catch her in time and she climbed to top it on the third attempt. There played a few other games and then they decided to go to the botanical park after lunch and enjoyed the lush greenery with beautiful plants and relax, no more exhaustive exercise. 

Friends gave some space and let Ram and Priya spent some time together. Priya is a plant lover and she was very excited about the area, she held Ram's hand and dragged him to every zone to explore it. Ram felt that he did the right thing to come here. They took some selfies there and bought some plants for the farmhouse as well. 

After late afternoon they decided to drive back as they all were tired. Ram drove the car as Adi was too tired and sleepy. Suddenly Ram breaks the car harshly to stop it. He went out and found out the front car tyres were punctured. They needed assistance to fix the car tyres, Adi checked with the nearest garage to find a mechanic while Ram called Kunal to come here to pick up Bri and Priya. Priya came out to stretch out her legs. Priya shouted Ram suddenly and she pulled Ram towards her. Ram came to sense and realized that there was a vehicle zooming towards him when he was busy on a call.

Priya was scared and lost in thoughts for a few seconds in flashes of the accident memories which happened a few weeks ago. She came back to sense when Ram shook her and he was panicked to see Priya's vulnerable condition. She was standing there with shaky hands and teary eyes, emotional and nervous. Ram couldn't control himself and hugged her without any hesitance and gave assurance that needed most for her. Bri gave her some water to drink and she relaxed a little. Ram asked Bri to take her and sat her inside the car until we get another car to go back home.

Priya: Ram, are you mad? how can you not hear the noise of a car? there is a limit to stupidity

Ram: I'm sorry, I didn't realize that a car behind me. Thank you, Priya. He was thinking Priya called him Ram for the very first time and she didn't even realize it.

Priya: what will I do if anything will happen to you, how can I live without you

Ram: Calm down Priya, everything is fine here. I'd dodged the bullet, I mean car apparently

Within 15min, Vicky came with a mechanic and they went back home. Everyone's face looked exhausted and they shared a hug. Ram asked everyone to go and get freshen up as they were all tired. All came down after some time and all settle down in the living room. Tension was clearly visible on their faces, anything could have happened to Ram today. 

Ram:  I'll talk to the assistant to arrange some beverages for us in the meantime.

Priya held Ram's wrist when he was about to go and asked him to sit down by her side. 

Vicky: Ram, how did you end with the middle of the road? Where were you looking?

Ram: I wasn't in the middle of the road, just the left side of our car when that car passed swiftly. 

Priya: I'd seen myself and you can't lie to me. 

Ram: I don't think that car was closer to me rather you just panicked to see this suddenly.

Priya: do you think I've exaggerated it or my hallucinations about it. Don't you know that it's not safe to walk on the road while on a call? 

Ram: Calm down my Jhansi Ki Rani (fighter), I didn't mean it. An accident could be a miss or hit.

Priya: you will scream that I'm giving lectures to you all the time. I'm like impulsive and judgmental and shout at people endlessly. I know it's normal for you to say, not for me.

Ram: nothing happened to me, why are you boiling your blood unnecessary. just cool down.

Bri: Priya has saved you again and everyone is worried about you here only. Ram, how careless you are? any explanation can't justify your stupidity. 

Adi: Ram, even I agreed with Priya. I am worried about something else now, I saw there wasn't any...

Ram signed with eyes not to reveal it to anyone. He also noticed too that the number plate was missing from the back of the vehicle so that they can't catch the driver. Something is suspicious.

Kunal: Ram, do you even imagine the consequences of it 

Ram: I would have to contact you from heaven but not sure which mobile network will work there.

Bri: Priya is right, you are impossible. Someone really needs to smack your head

Ram: Yaar, I was just joking to make you feel better but nobody liked my joke. not my problem.

Adi hugged Ram with a teary eye and said thanks to Priya, the second time you saved Ram. 

Ram asked Priya to go and take some rest in the room. They all had dinner early and went to their rooms. 

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