Holi Party

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Nandini stopped Ram when he was about to went to the office.

Nandini: Ram, tomorrow is your first Holi after marriage and I've arranged the brunch party with our friends and close relatives. 

Ram: Mom, you can do whatever you want. I'll leave for the office and inform everyone.

Priya missed old Ram and his antics, jokes and infectious smile. It was their first Holi after marriage and she wanted to celebrate it with Ram and restart their friendship and rekindle it. But Ram's behaviour went off at a tangent. The next day Priya and Ram got ready early.

Priya: Happy Holi Mr Kapoor! Can I put colour on you?

Ram: Happy Holi Priya but I'm allergic to colour. Sorry, I don't play colour but I can colour you if you want.

Priya: That's ok, You can start your day with your favourite sweet at least

Ram took a dash of colour and said I insist please, put the colour on her cheek and took the sweets, thanks Priya. He got a packet from the wardrobe and gave it to Priya, here is the Holi gift.

Priya: Thanks, Mr Kapoor. 

Priya: How come you wear colourful dresses and shoes being allergic to colour?

Ram: I'm allergic to colour and bliss but it never stopped me to find my way to satisfy myself either through cloth or food. When life is too dark and gloomy, you need to add more colours from outside to bring brightness and your smile will overcast the sadness. 

Ram went down with his files and Nandini asked, are you going somewhere?

Ram: Yes Mom, I've got an urgent meeting and will be back before lunchtime. You guys enjoy it.

Ram was surprised to see Vedika entering KM, she wished happy Holi to everyone. Nandini told that Vedika was helping her with organising the party.Ram with a little smile wished back and left the place immediately before she could say anything.

Ram's gang reached KM and Sood as well, they greeted everyone and enjoyed the party with drinks and food. The party was missing the charm without Ram. 

Sara: Priya, is everything ok between you and Ram? 

Priya told everything that happened that night and now they both were staying together like strangers. He went out by giving the excuse of meeting, just to avoid her. 

Sara: Let's forget all problems today and just enjoy Holi. We can discuss this tomorrow. 

Bri: Happy Holi Priya! How are you?

Priya: Happy Holi to you too. Sorry, I broke your trust

Bri: to be honest I was very angry with you but not anymore. Jaan is ok with you and we are all too. We have a rule in our gang, No sorry No thank you between friends. 

Ram's gang was happy to see Ram back and he apologised for being late and greeted everyone. He went busy with his gang in the living room instead of the backyard party area. 

Vedika: Ram, you went out for a meeting on Holi, can't you enjoy it with us. I've got organic colour and it's safe. 

Ram: Sorry Vedika, you know I don't play colour 

Bri came to Ram and said happy Holi jaan! Are you missing someone?

Ram: No, why would I miss anyone when you're here. Happy Holi my Jaan.

Bri: I've got a special thing for you 

Ram: let me guess, please don't say that you tried a recipe and wanted me to taste it. 

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