Cut The Gordian Knot

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It was a dark starless night, and they both settled on the bed after their argument. Ram knew that his words hurt her and he overreacted to the situation. It proved that she doesn't trust him.

The next day, there was no proper conversation between them and in the afternoon Ram and Mr Khanna went for a walk with Joe while Mrs Khanna came to meet Priya. 

Mrs Khanna: Sorry Priya, you had a fight with your husband because of me. I heard everything last night.

Priya: It's not your fault, I should have handled this mature way.

Mrs Khanna: Mr Khanna is a retired govt officer and my son is in the USA and he comes with his family here in 3/4 years and my daughter in Bangalore. This is a holiday home and people stay here in seasonal time for a week or so. I was excited to know that you all will stay here.

Priya: I can understand aunty, you can come here as long as I'm here.

Mrs Khanna: Are you going anywhere? 

Priya: I may return to Mumbai

Mrs Khanna: Husband-wife fight is normal. If you want I can help you with my past 40 yr experience. 

Just a suggestion being a wellwisher, you both were still married and I can see that you love him. So take the charge and show your wife's HAQ. You know him better than anyone.

Priya smiled at those words and now thinking in a different direction. 

When Ram and Mr Khanna came back home, they heard their conversation

Mrs Khanna (purposely loud enough): You can't leave because of a small fight with your husband. I know it was my fault that created this misunderstanding between you two.

Priya: He doesn't want me in his life anymore and no point in arguing with him

Mrs Khanna told everything and Mr Khana apologised to Ram on behalf of his wife after knowing about the incident.

Ram: no need to apologise, it was my fault for our argument and I apologised for it. All misunderstandings cleared between us.

Mr Khanna: You both are mature and smart, discuss and sort out your problems and differences without a third person.

Mr and Mrs Khanna left the place and Ram and Priya both looked into each other's eyes and there was silence in the air. 

Ram was shocked by Priya's decision to leave but thought it would be good for her rather than ruining her life and career here. I want to be happy for her but I'm feeling pain in my chest.

Priya wanted to say something but every time she opened her mouth, nothing came out. Finally, Ram broke the silence

Ram: I never told you to leave the house during our arguments

Priya: You cleared that there is nothing left in our relationship and I can't expect anything from you. 

Ram: I said if you want this marriage for others and not for yourself then think again. 

It's your choice and the final decision has to be yours only. It's not my call, Ram kept quiet and left that room.

They didn't speak much that night but on next day, Priya's patience gave up. Ram was sitting in the garden and working on his laptop

Priya: I know you're angry but this is childish behaviour. We need to talk

Ram: What? I don't have anything to say.

Priya: But I do

Ram: Okay, I'm listening

Priya: I'd promised maa that I'll rebuild our relationship. I feel you're not comfortable with me, decided to go back home. I didn't get any response from you about it.

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