Blood Is Thicker Than Water

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Priya called Adi to find out about Anjali and their progress on it. Adi informed that the private investigator is too close and will crack this soon.

Priya met Neeraj in the afternoon and threatened him that if he doesn't spill the truth then she will make sure that Ram kick him out and reopen the police case against him. Priya found clues against Vedika's involvement.

Mami and Nandini were discussing this situation. Their plan flopped by Priya and she dodged them with her cleverness. Ram accepted her demand without any question.

Mami: Nandini, there is only one option left for us to save ourselves from Priya

Nandini: What?

Mami: Priya itself. if Priya will stay in this marriage then she can't claim Ram's property now. I don't think Ram will trust her like before.

You can manipulate Ram later to make properties in your name. But if they will divorce now means we will lose half of the property.

Nandini: Finally, Bhabhi said something sensible and I hate that I've to tolerate Priya in this house but I can do anything to acquire full property.

Priya was engrossed in Ram the whole day, Ram is hurt because of their plan and her heart is pierced thousand times to think about the pain and suffering that he had faced for many years.

Priya came back to KM where she ignored Nandini and Mami completely in down stair and went straight to her room. Nandini called Ram and Priya both to her room in the evening

Ram: Mom, anything urgent?

Nandini started her melodrama with a fake crocodile tear

Nandini: I never wanted you two to get separated. Yes, I'm still angry with Sood and can't forgive them. I thought Priya will break all her ties with her family as she is your wife. I don't want to break your marriage due to my hatred toward Sood.

Ram: Mom, I didn't blame you for this. We took this step in the best interest of both families.

Nandini: What about you and Priya's happiness? I know you both love each other, she is perfect for you. Please drop this separation idea and stay together

Priya: Aunty, I'm confused now. You told me a number of times that I'm not a good match for your son.

On the wedding day, you told me that Mr Kapoor won't return back to marry me. My family and I were not suitable for him nor for this family.

Same thing you said on Karwachouth day and after that I signed the annulment paper.

Again 2 days back you told me the same again and that's why I thought deeply and made this decision.

Nandini was in a tight spot as Priya exposed her in front of Ram. She wanted to do the damage control now

Nandini: I was angry with you that day because you defend your family instead of standing with me and Ram even after knowing the full truth about your family involvement.

I didn't mean to hurt you but our old wound VK's loss has been opened and it's bleeding my heart.

Back to your wedding day, I said that when Shubu was all most arrested. Of course, how can I forget about Shivi's marriage and your involvement?

You snatched my daughter from me and dashed all my wishes for my daughter's marriage. You broke a mother's heart. You can't imagine my pain because you're not a mother yet.

Priya: I know you want the best for your son, that's why you asked me to leave your son's life.

Nandini found herself dumb in front of everyone and now Ram can't trust her anymore.

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