Imperfect Couple

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Ram and Priya both were in the middle of the lake. Ram was enjoying the boat riding where Priya was clutching his hand tightly so that she won't fall into the water.

Ram: Priya, look at the surroundings. This is an idyllic place, the trickling lake flowed through the picturesque meadow. Just enjoy it

Priya: I know, this place is really nice.

Ram: I would love to spend my whole life in this place with peace. 

Priya: do you think you can live without your luxurious lifestyle? 

Ram: That means you never understand me. My comfort is not with expensive materials or facilities, it's with the people around me.

Priya: With a smile, we will plan a vacation again but no boating, please 

Ram: okay. Next time you will choose the holiday destination, anywhere you want 

All of a sudden Ram screamed Priya look, water leakage inside our boat. Can you see it?

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, please you do something, or else we will be stuck here.

Ram: don't say stock here rather we will be drowning in the water soon. 

Priya: Then call for rescue. Please call someone

Ram: You will save me if anything happens here in the middle of the lake. Priya is a superwoman and can do anything.

Priya: swimming is not my hubby. I trusted you and thought I'm safe with you. you're excited to come inside the water without knowing swimming. So immature. How can we go back? 

Ram: Mobile network is not working, can't call anyone. Anyway, if this is destiny then let it be.

Priya: I don't want to die because of your stupidity. we need to find a way to get out of here

Ram: Don't worry, eventually someone will come if they don't find us. till then just sit and enjoy this beautiful sight. You never know if we'll get a chance or not.

Priya: It's not the right time. You told me that Mein Hua Naa and now what?

Ram: It's one of my favorite movies. I like to say that very often.

Priya: you're impossible. I'll stop you from watching any movie if I'll survive from here.

Priya was panicked and their boat wobbled due to her sudden movement. She hugged ram from his neck and closed her eye. Ram said there is nothing to fear Priya, just look at me. Ram hold her tightly in his arm and gave assurance to her, that nothing will happen to her as long as he is with her. don't you trust me? Priya looked into his eyes and nodded yes. They were so closed that Ram was lost in her simple, ravishing beauty without any makeup. It's so pure and alluring look. He tugged her hair strand which was on her face and touched her face to feel it.

Ram: said softly, you're looking gorgeous with this wine color dress today.

Priya: what? is this a joke?

Ram: No, I really mean it. You're absolutely stunning and tantalizing me.

Priya moved away little from him and blushed little with a smile. She is thinking is it true that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. My family and friends never compliment me as he does.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, this isn't the right time to flirt with me. We are in danger. How can you be so calm? 

Ram: There is no right or wrong time to compliment your wife. You can't stop living your life due to fear or anticipated danger.

Priya: stop being filmy, it's about life and death. She started screaming for help...

Ram: With a big smile on his face said, actually I can swim and there is nothing happened to the boat. It's normal to see some water inside the boat. just look at you

Priya: What? Mr. Kapoor, why did you lie to me?

Ram: It was frank and I loved to see your scary face. I didn't realize that you will be afraid of anything to such an extent. Sorry

Priya:  what sorry, I was scared and nervous while all the time you were enjoying it

Ram: I thought it will be fun

Priya: it's not funny at all. I'm too old for this kind of caper. I shouldn't have come with you.

Ram: Sorry yaar. if you want we can head back

Priya: Do you think I'll stay here after listening to this? You have to pay for it, Mr. Kapoor.

Ram apologized to her again and paddled back to soar. They were all confused to see her angry face.

Bri: Priya, what did happen?

Priya: ask Mr. Kapoor

Ram: Nothing, it was just a prank, she took it seriously yaar.

Priya: I want to go back home. you guys please continue without me

Ram: I'll go with her if that's ok for you guys

Adi: We're also a little tired, let's go back, and then we'll discuss 

Ram tried to hold her wrist to stop her but she dashed and went to the car straight. Ram followed her silently.

Bri: it's so romantic, sitting in a cozy boat with no one around you, and it's all quiet in the middle of the water to enjoy it. I'd arranged this romantic sight so that they both will get close to each other but they found their way to fight. 

Vicky: What else do they need to think about love beyond fighting with each other?

Kunal: They both love taunting each other only. they both are hopeless cases and nothing can happen between them.

Adi: They will find their way into each other's hearts and will enjoy their life. They need to overcome their fear to accept the present fully.

Vicky: God knows when it will happen. What a couple? one is too mature with a practical mindset and the other is too childish

Kunal: Perfectly Imperfect couple

Bri: Every heart deserves to be loved and they both deserve it.

Within 20 min they reached the farmhouse and they all were hungry by that time. 

Ram: I need a shower first and you guys carry on without me. 

They decided to wait for him. Ram back in 10min and they all sat for their lunch. Ram and Priya both were sitting silently.

Bri: Priya, why do you have a grumpy face? we are here to relax and enjoy

Priya: ask Mr. Kapoor

Ram: it was just a small prank and she was scared. It's not my fault

Priya: Seriously, he told me that boat is sinking and he can't swim and we will drown there in a few minutes. 

Bri: Bri chided Ram and said, do you have any common sense? it's too childish.

Priya: I was quivering with fear and Mr. Kapoor was laughing at me. He was enjoying my scary face. 

Vicky: your prank is worst than mine. why did you laugh?

Ram: Yaar, she had seen our swimming pool here. I asked that day if she wanted to spend time at the poolside. So I thought she is intelligent to catch it. it's logical

Adi: agreed, you can't think logically straightway when you are frightened 

Kunal: I think Ram needs serious punishment for his actions. Don't let him go easily

Ram: I thought you were on my team, you guys are cheaters

Bri: Priya will decide it

Priya: I heard enough movie dialogue today. So no movies for a whole year or he can't utter any movie dialogue either. I'm frustrated.

Ram: Ok sorry, I'll not watch a movie without your permission. 

Adi: We'll make sure that he keeps his promise.

Ram: Is it enough drilling or wanted to do more. I need a break from you guys.

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