Kill With Kindness

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Ram: Shubu stop, I want to talk to you

Shubu: Yes Bhai, what's up?

Ram: Why didn't you go to Bangalore to attend the meeting? 

Shubu: My friend had a birthday ferry party on Friday.

Ram: I told you that it was very important, needed to sort out this land for your new project. 

Shubu: I board the ferry on the same day after you. I called you when I realized that I can't attend it but your phone was out of range. 

Ram: Why didn't you tell Adi or email me that time? The phone is not the only way to contact me. I would have arranged it for next week. I came to know at the very last moment, so I had to attend it.

Shubu: It's good that you did it. I guess the deal is done. Why are you asking me then? I'm tired and need to take a rest.

Ram: You didn't inform anyone that you can't attend. How careless you are? Is this how you will run your business?

Shubu: Why would I go and waste my life inside the office cabin. It's your job to do it and take care of us. Not mine.

Ram: Why do I run your business, it's your responsibility?

Shubu: You're saying because of Priya Bhabhi. I heard your conversation that day. Dad didn't leave you here to order me. I never take orders from anyone. I'm not a fool. It's my life and will live as I want, I don't like any interference. If you have any problem with me then it's your and dad's fault.

Ram was shaking with anger and told him that he is not liable for his business anymore.

Shubu: You promised dad to take care of us, not me. I'm not your slave who will follow your command, don't show me as you're giving me any favor. It's your duty.

Ram: I will not support your business going forward and you need to take care of it on your own.

Shubu: you're saying this because I'm not your real brother, actually you never treat me like your brother otherwise you didn't make Bhabhi as signing authority in my company. You want to keep eye on me but everyone thinks you gifted this company as you care about me. 

Ram: that's not true, You're mourning about 5% whereas you and Sid have the rest of 95%. 

Shubu: with half eye open said, not interested. Hope I made myself clear. Can I go now?

Ram got emotional to hear this but can't voice it to his family, he knew his position in the family from deep down. Shubu little fumbled and Ram gave a hand to support. Ram called Tarun for help and they took Shubu to his room. Ram helped him to lay down in the bed and removed his shoes and jacket. He switched off the light after covering him with a duvet and gave a soft kiss on his forehead. 

Nandini apologized on behalf of Shubu and said that he was so drunk that not in sense and will talk to him tomorrow.

This is not the first time that anyone misbehaves with him, he swallowed it silently to respect his dad's promise. 

Priya witnessed the full incident and can see how much Ram loves and cares for Shubu even after their argument. It didn't go well with Priya to see Shubu's disgusting and insensitive behavior towards him, how did the so-called family treat him? She knew that his stepfamily doesn't care about him but now it's proved that they don't respect him or love him either. They just used him on point of dad's promise, don't know how many times he had torn down because of them and hurt himself. 

She needs to stop this anyhow as Ram won't stand for himself. No one can hurt her husband anymore as long as she is here. He is selflessly doing everything for them without any complaints. He doesn't deserve any of this, only the love and cares that he gives to everyone.  

After finishing kitchen work Priya came to the room. She found that Ram was sitting on the couch with the laptop and a drink instead of taking a rest. She didn't know how to change his mood and make him happy.

Priya: How's your drink taste? just a gentle reminder, you need to cut down your drink.

Ram: It's just a small pack and can't harm me enough, I'll take the medicine. So just chill

Priya: How're you feeling now? You need full rest and no work until you recover completely

Ram: I feel like on top of the moon. ready to fight WWE with a smirk smile.

Priya: Sorry, it was my fault. I suggested asking Shubu without knowing him properly.

Ram: It's not your fault. I had a hunch but I thought I'll give it a try before declining this option. Someday he will do it but for now, he is not ready at all.

Priya looked into his face to find a trace of pain but it was blank. She couldn't able to understand him. How come he is so calm and has no rage on his face? Is it the drink that suppressed his pain or is he really good at assimilating his family's trash words and behavior without feeling pain?

Is he immune to the pain? Definitely not, I'd peeped into his pain on Diwali time. I think he went through such humiliation N no of times, perhaps he is unsusceptible to his family's intention.

Priya: Shubu was a little rude today, I think he misunderstood our discussion.

Ram: Don't think that it happened because of you. Shubu was tired after long travel and I asked without thinking much. He is short-tempered and lost control. It was my fault.

I always believed blindly in my dad that he will do the best for me. In my case, it's different as I'm not their direct family. He believes that I'm doing everything for the sake of promise which is not completely wrong either. They will doubt my intention and integrity due to their insecurity even though I tried every possible from my end. After 15 years I still couldn't able to earn their trust. I've failed as a brother, couldn't make them secure enough to trust me.

Priya: maybe. But you have every right to get angry with him

Ram: With a little smile I don't have any rights over them, I'm just a caretaker and trying to keep them safe and full fill their demand only.

Priya: Shubu can't talk with you like this. It's completely disrespectful and utterly nonsense

Ram: He is spoiled because of me. He lost his dad at a very young age and I understand very well how it feels. I've lost both my parents. I'm working hard for them only and wanted to see smiles on their face only and let them indulge in life.

Priya, please don't mind Shubu's words or argue with him regarding tonight's incident. He wasn't in a full sense today. You're a partner in his business for your and his future safety in my absence. So that he can't take any wrong decisions or spend the liquidity without proper cause otherwise he may lose the company. I feel you understand the value of money and can guide him better than anyone. I know you'll take care of my family like yours after me.

Priya can feel the pain in his voice due to Shubu's harsh words and fear of abandonment from family at the same time. He is still trying to justify Shubu's behavior.

Priya: How could you forgive everyone and ignore things easily?

Ram: Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology that you never got. I've learned to ignore things which is a path to my inner peace.

Priya: You found your way to convenience and feel contented without ill feelings for others.

Ram: To err is human to forgive is divine. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

Priya: You literally want to kill a person with your kindness rather rudeness. This is what makes you unique from others.

Ram: Two wrongs don't make a right. If he has a childish and irreverent attitude then I need to handle it maturely. 

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