Dusk To Dawn

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Priya was sitting in the backyard, the moon was looking so beautiful and the wind blew and loose strands tickled her neck. 

She was remembering their simple moments which brought a smile to her face automatically. 

Then the next moment she remembered how easily Ram agreed to leave her here without consulting her. This makes her mad, she can not share this with anyone but definitely owe an answer

Priya went inside for dinner and they continued chit-chat for a while and then settled down on the bed.

On other side, Ram sent a good night message to her instead of calling, he can't control his emotion if he speak to her and might ask her to come back or end with himself in Mumbai by tomorrow.

He settled down on the bed but couldn't able to sleep because he was habituated to sleeping with her, holding and cuddling her. 

Looking into the empty bedside is piercing his heart a million times. Ram kept staring at the ceiling and then decided to do some work rather than being vigilant like an owl.

There isn't a better situation for Priya in Delhi, she was feeling lonely even when surrounded by family.

The next morning, Priya and the gang went to Mumbai on the first flight and met Meera maa who was on top of the moon. The whole day passed and she didn't even realise the time and forgot to call or message Ram.

Ram was waiting for her to call him the whole day because he didn't want to spoil Priya's family time and disturb her. He engulfed himself in the work so that he won't think or miss her.

Ram came back home late and Tarun gave the dinner which he reluctantly ate as it was a strict order from Priya. 

It was going to be another sleepless night and mentally prepared himself for a few more nights. He went to the study room to carry on his work again.

Ram continued his work on his presentation and called her a little late hour so no one can disturb but no response from her. 

Ram(in mind): I lived alone for more than half of my life but now I can't sleep alone in this room a single night. It's haunting me more, I'm afraid of loneliness more and more.

On the other side, Priya fumed after checking her phone that Ram didn't even call her once. She forgot to call him in this chaos but was disheartened that Ram wasn't remembering her either and decided not to call him. She switched off her phone in anger.

Priya (in mind ): He might be enjoying his office and can work longer and return home late as no one is around to scold him. 

He might be happy to indulge in all junky foods along with alcohol as I'm not there to stop him.

He might take Joe for an evening walk, mentally facepalming to herself and then correcting herself and calling it a night dog walk

Should I call him? She called Tarun instead and her heart was finally calm down. 

The day ended in Mumbai, Priya was feeling lonely and couldn't enjoy her time much rather than feeling suffocated. It's only because of Ram who forgot to give a single call for a whole day.

The next day was pretty bad on both sides, Priya excused herself from going out with everyone saying headache and stayed inside her room. 

Meera noticed that Priya is not happy about coming here and missing Ram. She is physically present there without her mind and soul.  

Meera Maa: Priya, are you ok? did Ram call you today? 

Priya: Just headache and will be alright in an hour or so. Your SIL must be happy to get free from me and must be devouring all the forbidden stuff. He must be very busy enjoying his time and forgot to about me

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