Over The Moon

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It was 9 pm evening, Priya was in the kitchen to check the dinner preparation while Ram asked Tarun to decorate the candlelight dinner for them. 

Priya was happy to see the arrangement, just the perfect setting for two people to enjoy the evening. They were sitting together for the dinner after 2 months and enjoying the food with small talk. 

Priya missed it a lot and wished secretly to stay together forever. They have faced a lot of challenges but their bond is getting stronger with time. Ram raised the trip topic again.

Ram: I'm still not convinced of your decision. We can go to a picturesque place away from the noise, a nice break which you needed badly. 

Priya: You canceled the day out last time because of me and then you went alone on the last trip. 

Ram: It's not just about me, for us. I didn't take you anywhere outside the city except our farmhouse. We both need to spend quality time with each other. Will it be ok if I plan for next month?

Priya: I promised to accompany you on next trip with your conditions.

Ram: 2 weeks would be enough Mrs. Kapoor

Priya: With a smile, of course 

 Ram gave a big smile and he knew that Priya was equally excited to spend time with him.

Ram: Great! I'll book our accommodation for 2 weeks so that we will have enough time. It will be a surprise for you. 

Priya can see his excitement for their first proper couple trip after their marriage. 

Everything was perfect like a dream, this wasn't the food was delicious that made that memorable but rather Ram and Priya's growing relationship with love and trust.

After dinner, Priya gave the medicine and they went to bed on either side. Ram pulled her closer and gave her a soft good-night kiss on the forehead. Priya kept her head on his arm, held each other's hand, and slept peacefully. They were over the moon.

The night when two beautiful souls found their lost hearts in each other and opened the door for a new horizon so that they can fly high together without any fear.

The next day morning, Priya work up first and saw that Ram was caging her in his hand. Priya smiled to see his cute innocent face and blushed while thinking about the blissful last night. She got up from bed early without disturbing him and got ready for college. 

She left for college before Ram woke up. She was avoiding Kapoors and possible heat arguments nowadays. Ram was grumpy the whole day as he couldn't able to see her and decided not to call her. He occupied himself with the laptop. 

At midday, the Physio came to KM for Ram's therapy. Ram requested the doctor to discharge him earlier from the hospital and he will continue the treatment at home. It was a painful session but he has to follow the process to walk on his feet without support. 

Priya returned home a bit early and saw Ram on the couch with the laptop. She gave a smile and freshened up quickly. Priya was sharing her day with Ram but didn't get any response from him. He was quite unusually silent today. 

Priya: You look upset. is everything ok?

Ram nodded his head to say yes and kept eye on the laptop. 

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, I know you're off and angry for some reason. 

Ram: I'm busy. Nothing else  

Priya: Tell me what's your problem

Ram: Finally, Madam has got time for me, to check on me. 

Priya: I called Tarun to check on you rather than calling you directly. He told me that you were sleeping at that time. stop being a grumpy child 

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