Sweet and Sour

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It's evening 7 pm, everyone reached the farmhouse and settled down in the living rooms. They had beverages while talking about the last time's trip and their cute fights.

Bri: Priya, you're smiling for no reason. what are you thinking?

Priya: same as you guys, last trip

Bri: why are you blushing? do you think you can fool me? definitely, it's about your sweetheart

Priya avoided the bullet by asking for the dinner menu

Kunal: Bhabhi, I want your special Biriyani tonight that Ram always praise

Vik: count me, please

Adi: me too, made some extra portion for me only. 

Bri: Why Adi? I love Priya's recipe too

They all agreed to have Priya's Biriyani tonight. Priya smiled to see their excitement and felt blessed to have friends like them. 

Ram went outside for some urgent work. They can sense the unsaid words in Ram's eyes.

Bri: Ram looks angry 

Vik: His family's truth and then court drama. so many things happened in just a few days

Priya:  but it felt like he is angry with me only

Bri: He agreed with you so easily in court. Remember, he loves you madly and trying to gather himself in this situation.

Kunal: Ram can't stay angry for a long time. So give him some time he will be back with his version.

Vik: don't think much. We will talk to him later.

The boys head back to their room whereas Bri and Priya went to the kitchen.

Priya was preparing everyone's favorite dinner along with some additional items. 

Ram's gang joined him in the bar and started the casual talk.

Adi: Ram, why do I feel that you're upset with us?

Ram: No, I'm not

Vik: You had already 5 packs, anyone can read on your face

Ram: I thought everyone can leave me except my friends. But I was wrong, thanks for breaking my illusion. I learned my lesson a hard way.

Vik: Yaar, you're taking in completely wrong. Your relationship was messed up by Vedika Witch and your family.

Bri: You both love each other and you needed her support if you accept it or not

Ram: Yes I love her. I may sound rude but I don't want anyone in my life. Also, I don't want Priya to waste her life with me. She deserves better

Adi: Ram, I can see your insecurity. You're scared after betrayal from your family but Priya really cares about you.

Kunal: Life is giving you another chance

Tarun came and informed them that dinner is ready. They all had a nice dinner together with some fun moments after a long time. 

They all had ice cream as dessert except Ram as he left the place to attend a call. Instead of eating they all played tag on each other's faces. After some time, they all tired and decided to take a rest little bit. 

Bri: Let's play a game. She put some chits in a pot and kept it in the middle along with a bottle to spin

Bri start spinning the bottle and it stopped at Vik. Vik pick first chit, tell me your first GF's name

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