Precious Possession

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The honeymoon period was beautiful and they enjoyed it fullest. Priya enjoyed the surprise dinner on the beachside along with a romantic dance on the following day. The arrangement was magnificent with decorative lights and a perfectly organised dinner place for two. 

The following day they went out on a safari tour and got exhausted by evening. Priya kept complaining to Ram for making her deadly tired today. The next day, Ram ad Priya went to spa centre and she wasn't expecting to be in such a place.

Ram: Priya, it's a surprise for you. I booked a couple spa for us. It is much needed after yesterday's adventure trip.

Priya: I'm not sure about it

Ram: Your muscles and nerves will relax after the massage, trust me

Priya: I never went to a spa before and I'm not comfortable in front of...

Ram (cut her): Don't worry, only ladies will be there. I'll be there in the same room.

They both went inside and the customer assistant asked them to settle down in the spa room. Priya looked into two assistant ladies, they gave a pleasant smile and one of them was drooling at him which didn't go well with Priya

Priya (with an angry face): Ram, I don't want to do it and let's go

Ram: But Priya...

Priya (cut him in middle and pull him out of the room): no more discussion, go from here

Ram gave the staff an apology look and arranged a city sightseeing tour for them. Ram was silent to see her angry face and decided to ask her after returning to the hotel.

They return to their room early and ordered dinner before getting freshened up. They settled down on the couch and waited for the hotel staff to deliver their meal.

Ram: I didn't understand why you changed your mind all of a sudden in that spa. 

Priya: didn't you notice how those girls were looking at you? 

Ram: I think you misunderstood them. They were doing their work only

Priya: I'm your wife and a wife's instinct can't go wrong. 

Ram( with a smirk): You mean your husband is handsome and still in demand

Priya: I never said that. Don't fly high

Ram: Are you jealous, Jaan?

Priya: No, I'm not. Why would I'll be jealous of those stupid girls 

Ram (with a smirk and teasing tone): Everything written on your face. I felt those girls were very nice and sweet. 

Priya: Just for your reminder, you gave me tons of promises and now dreaming about other girls. 

Ram: You know very well that Ram Kapoor never breaks his promise

Priya: I trust you but not others. Those girls bored their evil eyes on you 

Ram (with a smile): You mean those girls were interested in me and wanted to...

Priya (huffed in anger and closed his mouth): I'll never let any girl come close to you. 

Ram: Accept it wifey that you're jealous. 

Priya: You're mine and can't let anyone touch you, remember this Mr Kapoor

Ram: My possessive wife, I'm yours forever and no one can come between us

Priya: You're my precious possession. I never wanted any love or attention until I met you. You've spoiled me 

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