Sealed For Eternity

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Ram's eyes were looking for Priya in the room. He kept his mind busy with his favorite novel, he slowly dozed off while waiting for her. Priya came to KM after finishing her work and found Ram was sleeping peacefully, a book on his chest. Priya smiled and removed the book without disturbing him and changed her clothes. 

Ram woke up by the washroom door noise and found Priya back from her work. They shared a smile and their eyes expressed their emotions and longingness. 

Ram moved forward with a crutch to catch glimpse of her, Priya held his hand to support him. He softly caressed her face and kissed her cheek. He engulfed Priya in his arm and she held him tightly.

Ram: Priya, you look tired, let me call Tarun and get some refreshments quickly.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, you sit down first, don't stand for a long time otherwise you will have pain

Ram: Standing and holding you in my arm is the best feeling. It won't hurt me if you're with me rather standing alone.

Priya lead him to bed and helped him to sit down. Ram called Tarun to get the food quickly and held her hand gently.

Priya: Happy to see you at home. Sorry I couldn't able to stay here to welcome you.

Ram:   You're so late, I called you but you didn't answer

Priya:  It was a busy day.

Ram: You know I get worried if you don't answer my call. 

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, I'd exam duty and my phone was on silent. Then I helped Sara di in the bakery. 

Ram: You're so busy that couldn't call back or text me. That means I'm not important to you.

Priya knew him very well and understood his concern and fear. With a smirk on her face

Priya: I've got a lot of other important work to do in life. Anyway, everyone missed you in this house.

Ram: Priya, you're too mean. You didn't think about me once but I missed you a lot, Mrs. Kapoor.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, I missed only one thing, the word Mrs. Kapoor in your voice

Ram had a wide smile after hearing this and understood the hidden emotion of it. He wanted to make her relax and happy.

Tarun came to the room with some snacks while both were busy in their sweet banter. Priya munched the snacks and gave the bites to Ram in between. 

Priya: Anyway, you've so many people around you 24/7. Why do you need me?

Ram: Never leave a chance to taunt me. I know there wasn't enough room to talk with you in hospital. You know much they care about me.

Priya: They are true family in every sense.

Priya: One more thing, No one was here to mess up this room and throw the towel on the bed. So my room was tidy the way I wanted.

Ram: You're perfect Ms. Khadoos. You're taking this name quite seriously. Leave this. 

Priya smiled seeing his annoyed but cute face. Her tiredness was clearly visible to Ram and he started massaging her shoulder gently. He asked her to close her eyes but Priya hesitated at first but eventually gave up. She needed this to relax her muscle after a long day.

Priya: I didn't know that Mr Kapoor from Bandra can massage, not bad

Ram: I'm good at many things but you never acknowledged my talent.

Ram: How were your classes going on?

Priya: Pretty busy but summer vacation will start next week. 

Ram: eyes sparkled with excitement, Great! I can plan a holiday trip for us.

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