Take The Bitter With The Sweet

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They all settled in the garden to enjoy the winter sun. Both ladies chit-chatted while Ram was busy playing with Joe. Aisha enjoyed her time with Ram and Priya at their home. Priya wanted to know more about Aisha.

Priya: Tell me about your family and your friendship and college life

Ram: Priya. Aisha is the only daughter and a spoiled brat who loved to annoy everyone including teachers and me. She is still the same and no change in her behaviour 

Aisha: You were the most decent boy in our college who never bunked classes to stay in a good book of teachers. Oh I missed that time

Ram: Same here but this is life and we need to play different roles at different times and situations 

They all enjoyed the lunch with Priya's signature dishes. Aisha laughed hard looking into Ram.

Aisha: You're ravening the food like an animal

Ram(glared at Aisha): This is called devouring delicious food. You have problems with me about everything. Isn't it?

Aisha (winked): How can I let you eat peacefully Mr Kiddo

Priya chuckled to hear it and couldn't control her laugh and Aisha managed to make Ram pissed off.

Ram: I must say you're a devil in disguise.

Aisha: What about you? Poor Priya married a kid who has pea size brain 

Priya: Agreed but it's my destiny 

Aisha: Ram, it's revenge time

Ram: I'll be 40 soon, not a kid. Remember that. Is it for shouting at you in the office?

Aisha: No, it's for missing my 18th birthday party

Ram: You still remembered

Aisha: Of course, my best friend missed my most important day. How can I forget that?

Ram: I said sorry many times for it and I thought you forgave me after knowing the reason, Vedika was sick and she needed me at that time. 

Aisha: I forgave you but never forget that incident 

Ram: Sorry Yaar, that's why you distanced from our group and didn't inform me before leaving the city. I thought you were busy with Rajiv.

Aisha:  Forget the past, I'm happy that you didn't marry that Chipkali 

Priya (in mind): who is Rajiv? I need to find out

Ram: I'm worried about your husband, one day he will run away from your torture

Aisha (diverted their conversation): Priya, you didn't tell me about your love story yet

Priya (with a smile): It was an arranged marriage for their siblings

Priya told their story and there was a smile on Ram and Priya's faces the whole time which didn't unnoticed by Aisha.

Aisha: Hmm.. opposite character which attracts each other. Love after marriage is always an interesting story without any nonsense for two beautiful souls.

Priya: How do you know me, you interacted with me only for a week

Aisha: One week is enough to know you Priya and you're a perfect match for Ram. I guess Bri and Adi will say the same  

Priya (nodded her head yes): Aisha, what about yours? I guess its a love marriage

Aisha(with little hesitance): Yes

Priya (smiled): Aisha, tell me your story

Aisha: Mine is a very boring story and doesn't want to spoil my mood.

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