Garden of Eden

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After a few weeks, Priya was in the office while Ram went out for a business trip. She was restless and dying to hear his voice.

Ram: Priya, how are you? I just checked in here

Priya: Don't worry about me, I'm fine 

Ram (with a teasing tone): I miss our night adventure 

Priya (with fake annoyed tone): I'm still sore because of that

Ram: Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was carried away with my desire and couldn't control myself

Priya: Never say sorry to love me more. We both wanted it, it was one of the best night we ever had.

Ram: I'm glad to satisfy my wife

Priya: I miss you

Ram: me or our makeout 

Priya: both

Ram: I like your bold side wifey. It's just one day and I'm missing me like hell. still a whole week ahead of me.

Priya: don't worry once you're with your first love (laptop), you will forget about me.

Ram (chuckled with her sarcastic comment): Why do you jealous of my laptop?

Priya: My Workaholic husband, you glue with your laptop more than me and forget everything when you work.

Ram: That's not fair

Priya: You take care and don't forget about your med and have your meal timely

Ram: Yes Boss, please take care of my Jaan and be safe

Priya wasn't keeping well but didn't want to stay at home all alone. Aisha forced her to go to the doctor and do a check-up.

Ram decided to return home early after hearing this and called her.

Ram: Priya, is everything ok? I'm wrapping up my work here and will book return flight for tomorrow. Tell me what doctor said.

Priya: Everything is fine. You suppose to be back on weekend

Ram: How can I stay there after hearing about you? The deal is not more important than you.

Priya: Nothing serious, you're panicking unnecessarily

Ram (faked anger): That means you're not happy that your husband will be back early from trip, my heart is bleeding

Priya: I didn't say that. You're so busy that never call me in the daytime

Ram: Daytime I was stuck in meetings and couldn't ring you much but every night I called you. Apart from this, we had 5hr time gap which made it more difficult for me

Priya: You disturbed my beauty sleep by calling me late at night

Ram (with a teasing husky tone): Jaan, I missed you a lot at night time mostly, I missed your touch, your warmth etc... you know what I mean, right?

Priya: Now it makes sense about calling me only at night. How mean

Ram: I know you dream about this but you won't admit it. this is a different thing

Priya: I'll never admit it. All men are the same and their minds work in one direction

Ram: Darling wife, loving you is the best thing I have ever done in my life. You can put any hashtag for it

Priya: I love you

Ram: You are one in a million and I love you

Ram: Tell me what's in your report

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