Silence Before The Storm

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The next 2 days were tortured for both Ram and Priya as they were busy with their work. They connected with each other only at nighttime by phone calls and WhatsApp. Ram never forgot to make her laugh with his lame jokes. 

Finally, Ram will come back today and Priya's feet were not on the ground that can be read from her face. She packed some of Ram's favorite cupcakes from Bakery as a surprise. Ram reached home in the evening time 8 pm and was mentally drained and physically exhausted after that long day. He went to his room straightway and look for Priya but she wasn't back from Bakery. There was a little disappointment on his face. Ram was about to went to the washroom when Priya entered the room. 

Priya came closer to him and touched his face. She felt like living in darkness for the last 2days but finally, she got her sunshine. 

Ram's hand wrapped into her tightly as she stood in silence with tears running down her cheeks. His blue eyes filled with tears met hers professing his love.

Love doesn't need any word to explain, actions are always enough. Their love was expressed in the silence, which devoured their mind and soul. 

Before they could speak anything Mami came to their room and they composed themselves and stood straight.

Mami: Ram, Nandini wanted to speak with you.

Ram: I'll go and talk to Mom after freshen up.

Ram freshened up quickly and went to Nandini's room. Priya couldn't able to speak or check on his well-being. Nandini and Ram discussed a few things including his dad's anniversary. 

Nandini: I heard that you hired a private investigator. Can I know why?

Ram: I wanted to investigate dad's accident again

Nandini: You're talking about my husband and you should ask me before taking any such decision. 

Ram: Mom, please don't take me wrong. I wanted to reopen dad's case but the police won't open it until we have any solid evidence. PI will study the case again and try to find any missing clues.

Nandini: I'm worried about Shubu and Shivi's reaction to it? Is it worth digging into our old pain?

Ram: You will be the first person to know the outcome of this investigation. I wanted to be 100% sure about it and get closure. 

Nandini: After your dad's death we faced a hard time emotionally as well as financially. You took all the responsibilities and build up this empire. I don't want to face a similar situation again. We can't destroy our future because of the past.

Ram: I understand it and will take care of everything. Trust me.

Ram knew half-truths about his dad's death and was reluctant to share them until getting to the bottom of it. His family has all right to know about the truth specially Nandini. For him, it feels like the silence before the storm and this might scatter many hearts and lives. 

Ram's face lost all color but lit up when he saw Priya. He will not regret hiding this half-truth as it will be dangerous for his family and can't take the risk to lose his love of life. He wanted to be selfish for the first time.

Ram and Priya both had dinner together happily and went to the terrace after it.

Priya: I've got a surprise for you, guess what?

Ram: Priya and surprise, both don't go together. let me guess, some kind of beverage

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, it's your favorite cupcakes.

Priya opened the cupcake box and gave it to him.

Ram: Lovely, I was craving sweets and here you go. 

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