Cake Walk

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Ram looked at Priya with a broken smile and he understood that she might read his anguish even though he never admitted it in front of her.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, you always complain that I don't trust you enough to open up with you. What about you then? You hid your real feeling and pain with your smile and never let anyone see it.  Transparency will breed the trust between us and our relationship will be stronger. 

Ram hid his pain from everyone till now but Priya is his own family and she has every right to know about his life and family dynamics but can't let her hate his step family rather wanted to explain his pov but this is not the right time.

Ram was about to go away from there when Priya stopped him. Priya and Ram sat on the bench silently for a while. She kept holding his hand to give assurance that she is with him in every phase of his life. Her compassion brought countless emotions to his face and he closed his eyes as he fell weak in front of her. After a few minutes, he exhaled loudly and spoke with an elegiac tone.

Ram: Shubu was not happy with my step-back approach to his business and not helping him much in his new project. He is thinking that I'm doing this because he is not my .. leave it. I guess he has all right to get pissed off with me.

Priya: Shubu has to be your left hand like Adi, for that he has to lay the bricks from now.

Ram: Don't worry, I'll talk to Shubu and explain him tomorrow. He is too immature to understand it now. I never wanted to put any kind of pressure on him.

Priya: This is not a healthy relationship and needs to be addressed before it's too late. 

Ram: Just chill, Shubu was upset and I understand his situation. I'll manage it as long as I'm at receiving end. Shubu is good by heart and one day you will experience this. 

Priya: I've seen Shubu's behavior and it is completely disrespectful and unacceptable. I'd stressed out to see that, how were you controlling all this over the years.

Ram: Mom has accepted me into her family due to dad and I will do my duty without any expectation. I'm just a facilitator for them, not a family. One of the best ways to control my stress is to accept the things that I can't control. Being an elder brother it's my responsibility to exude an air of tolerance, this will shield his insecurity. 

Priya: As you said to me one day that any relationship is a two-way system and it builds upon trust and respect. This rule is applicable to siblings as well.

Ram: I'm not expecting anything, not even respect or appreciation from anyone. I'm happy with whatever I got in my life, feel contented. Dad wanted this family to stay together and I'm trying hard within my limits to keep everyone under the same roof. 

Priya: I know you have immense patience which is your strength but the relationship might break when you will lose your patience. 

Ram: I know Priya, you're hurt more by Shubu's word than me. But it's a request please don't raise this topic with Shubu or anyone else. He already misunderstood your intention about the business trip and I don't want this to happen again. I want a good relationship between you and my family at least.

Priya: Let your siblings realize their mistakes and help them to be the best version of themselves like you.

Ram: Please don't, what if they will leave me, I'm afraid of being alone. I can't imagine my life without family, they are my support system, for solitude will break me with its yearning. This is the reason I've to swallow up everything and let myself grounded to absorb their actions silently.

Priya: You're not alone at all. You've your friends who are not less than family along with my family and me. Never think that you're alone in your life.

Ram smiled a little with getting assurance from Priya who is his only family in true sense. 

Priya and Ram both were sitting and Ram thanked her to elevate his mood. After that, he was chatting about their childhood stories as per Priya's request. Priya slowly drifted to sleep while keeping her head on his shoulder and clutching his waist tightly. Soon Ram also dozed off as well on the terrace.

Ram woke up in 1-2 hours and saw that both were embracing each other and feeling the warmth and comfortness as her care and affection. He lift her carefully and went to their room. He put her gently on the bed without disturbing her sleep. Priya held his hand in that sleepy state and Ram decided to sit at her bedside with his back rested on the headboard. He bend down a little and pecked softly on her forehead. 

He didn't know when he got so lucky to find her in his life as a true companion. she filled his life with color and never let him feel alone in this room. She came into his life like a fresh breath of air which brought a new ray of hope to live his life after years of loneliness. He couldn't able to sleep again that night and kept caressing her. 

Ram got out of bed at 6 am and went to the office from 7 am morning before she woke up. Priya woke up after 30 min and remembered last night's talk at the terrace and was surprised to be in their bedroom. There was a post it from Ram for her with a message, I've got a meeting this morning. please take the medicine from the coffee table after breakfast otherwise, you'll catch a cold. Bye

Priya smiled with his caringness and tenderness for everyone. She decided to work on his family dynamics first. He deserves all the love from his family. Priya went to Shubu's cabin at lunchtime.

 Priya: Can I ask you a favor for me?

Shubu: Yes Bhabhi, how can I help you?

Priya: I've got a seminar tomorrow and I wasn't comfortable asking anyone else here. Could you prepare a ppt with a nice style if you have spare time? 

Shubu: Sure Bhabhi,  show me your seminar document.

Shubu prepared it without any hesitation within 30/40 min.

Priya: Excellent work! the presentation is really nice, thanks Shubu. My hands are tight in all those stuff but it's a cakewalk for you. 

Shubu: can I ask you something Bhabhi?

Priya: Sure, anything bugging you? please feel free to say anything. You're like my young brother too.

Shubu: Do you think I can run the business on my own.

Priya: I'm 100% sure that you will be a successful businessman in the future like your father and brother. You've all the qualities to be a leader with passion, energy, and the ability to run the company with strong willpower. The only thing that creates a barrier is your short temper but other than this you are capable enough to do whatever you want in your life, just need to put your energy and time in the right place and in the right direction.

Shubu: Bhabhi, we hardly speak or spend family time together. How do you come to this conclusion about me?

Priya:  I always guide my siblings in their life. I know you for just a few months but understand you and your basic nature. You hear the my voice but all these words are from Mr. Kapoor and I believe it too. He always talks about you and Shivi a lot. Please don't ever self-doubt yourself. Anyway if you need any guidance then Mr. Kapoor will help you, I've nearly zero experience in this kind of business.

Shubu: Thanks Bhabhi. I'll focus on our business more and will prove you right.

Priya: Self-trust is the key secret to any success. Good luck Shubu

Shubu thought that this is the right opportunity to show my potential to everyone, people will know him by his own name . He went to Vicky's cabin and took the project file and said that he will prepare the presentation for the next meeting. He started studying the files thoroughly and work on the presentation without Ram's help.

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