Every cloud has a silver lining

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Ram and Priya both were enjoying the panoramic view on the cliff today.

Ram took some pictures of Priya in different poses. Priya was very happy to take some selfies with Ram. She was surprised to see the pics were really good and scrolled the library to explore the recent photo list.

Priya: Ram, you're very good at photography. Look at your pictures, it's amazing.

Ram: I used to go to different places with my Dad and capture nature on my camera to save those memories.

Priya: Photography is your hobby other than making profits. You can explore this more

Ram: Thanks for your suggestion. I would love to continue exploring this place and make my own collection.

Priya: with a smile, you're welcome.

Ram: Can we go back? It's getting darker

Ram drove back home while Priya was engrossed in Ram's thoughts and their morning sweet moment while sitting in the car.

Priya's trance broke when Ram suddenly press the car horn. She can read some concern in his face. It could be related to his family or new business setup. As he left everything and has nothing to do now, it's easy to get depressed in this situation.

Priya was laying on the bed after their dinner. She was happy to see a glimpse of old Ram and his infectious smile today. 

In her mind, I can't lose my prince charming at any cost, I can't see anyone when I was with him. My fate blessed me with him and I'll protect him.

Priya couldn't able to sleep at the night, Ram pulled her close and embraced her in his arm and caressed her hair. Slowly she drifted to sleep and both slept hugging each other. 

The next day, Priya decided to change the food menu to healthy stuff. It was lunchtime and there wasn't Ram's fav dish on the plate

Ram: what is this green item?

Priya prepared spinach and bottle-gourd curry and Ram doesn't eat those vegetables at all.

Priya: we don't have any other vegetables at home and at this time there isn't much option in the market this week due to the local strike.

Ram: I can't eat this stupid green thingy.

Priya: Kids are better than you

Ram:  It looks yucky

Priya: if you can't eat this curry then we have got another green vegetable on the table i.e chilli. It's your choice which one to pick curry or chilli. You can't go from here without eating today.

Ram looked into Priya's face for clues and felt that she is channelling him to eat that vegetable even though he hates it absolutely. So Ram picked one chilli and ate it. 

Priya was surprised to witness his adamant and went to get some sugar for Ram. Ram's eyes were red and teary. He refused to take anything from Priya's hand and drank some water and left the dining table.

Priya: it was my fault. I shouldn't say this silly thing. I knew my behaviour was outright rude like old days and my bad attitude popped out again. Ram was very fussy about his food and I shouldn't force him.

Priya went to the room after some time and apologies to Ram by holding her ears. Ram didn't look at her straight at first but eventually smiled and hugged her tightly.

Priya: leave me I can't breath

Ram loosen his grip on her 

Ram: you're so cute. How can I stay angry for a long?

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