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The next day, Ram called the private detective Mr. Dixit after reaching the office and asked to find MS first without anyone's knowledge and find out all his links and connections with any groups, every single detail. He consulted with ACP and decided to withdraw the police case against MS first. Nowadays Ram kept himself busy with the office work to engage his mind and there was not much interaction between Ram and Priya.

It was Sunday morning, Ram was getting ready and about to take a coffee sip when Priya's feet caught in the rug and she stumbled over Ram and coffee spilled on her hand. Ram chided himself and apologized to her.

Priya: I'm fine Mr. Kapoor. I work in the kitchen and I'm used to the hot utensil every day.

Ram immediately called Tarun for the ice pack and got his medicine box and applied the ointment to her hand. 

Ram was confused to see her face and said it must be burning but you're smiling.

Priya: I don't feel any pain. Nobody ever cares about me or takes care of me like you. It feels different.

Ram cupped her face and said as long as you're with me, I'll take care of you. Please make a habit of it. Priya moved closer and kept her head on his shoulder and Ram wrapped his hand on her shoulder.

Ram: You're not alone in your life anymore. I'm with you and always be there for you. 

Ram left the home in 10min to attend the meeting. Shivi is at KM around 10 am and wasn't happy to hear that Ram Bhai is not at home. She rang twice but he didn't pick up her phone. Just 1 day left for her Chooda ceremony.

Shivi: I'm very angry with Ram Bhai today, he ignored my call 

Priya: Mr. Kapoor left home early morning at 8 am itself. He might be busy, that's why couldn't able to answer. 

Shivi: He promised to arrange the fashion designer MM for me but he forgot. I'm not going to talk to him and he will face my wrath soon. 

Priya: Is it that important? Can't we do it with another designer?

Shivi: Yes, I want my costume only designed by MM. I'll share it on Insta

Priya called Ram and this time he pick up the phone

Ram: Priya, anything urgent? I'm in the middle of a meeting. Can I call you after this? 

Priya: Okay, call me when you're free.

Shivi: Ram Bhai answered your call but not mine. He has changed a lot, he doesn't love me anymore. 

Priya: He is in a meeting and as there was 2 missed call from you and then I called, that's why he just pick up to check if anything urgent. He'll call back after the meeting.

It's already 6 pm and Ram didn't call back yet. Shivi checked with Priya again.

Shivi: Did Bhai call you or update you if he arrange it or not?

Priya: Not yet Shivi. He might be occupied in meetings. He loves you most and you're his world. 

Shivi: I know Bhai loves me most because he always fulfills all my wishes like Santa Claus. 

Priya: What if he forgot to call the designer and couldn't able to meet your demand for tomorrow's ceremony? Do you think he doesn't love you?

Shivi: Maybe not. I'll be still angry with him as he couldn't find 5min for me in a whole day to call back but he will never stop loving me.

Priya: Have you ever gifted anything to your Bhai?

Shivi: He has everything and can buy anything he wanted. What can I gift him?

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