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Ram took his medicines after dinner and went to bed early tonight. Priya noticed that Ram had swollen leg and discomfort, it could be due to therapy.

Priya: Mr. Kapoor, you didn't tell me about your therapy, your leg is swollen. Let me get the oil that Maa gave me. It's Ayurvedic and it will ease off your pain quickly.

Ram: I'd medicine and I'll be fine. Don't worry, I can manage it.

Priya was stubborn and didn't listen to him and gently massage his calf. It relieved his pain, Ram slept immediately. Priya caressed his head and he pulled her hand in a sleepy state. She kissed him and held his hand tightly. 

Priya is in seventh heaven and doesn't want to wake up soon. This is her true love which anyone can dream only. She doesn't want anything else except her Ram and his happiness but is scared more to lose him due to her father's curse and her bad fate.

At the midnight, Priya mumbled in sleep and sleep broke due to the nightmare. Ram got up and was shocked to see her condition, her body was quivering and sweating from head, and couldn't able to compose sentences clearly other than don't leave me. 

Ram: Priya, I'm here. look at me. You're not alone. calm down

Ram embraced her in his arm and caressed her head to give her comfort. Priya clutched him tightly keeping her head on his one side shoulder and hand looped on his shoulder. Ram gave her some water to drink and wiped her face. 

Ram: Are you feeling better?

Priya: This same nightmare is troubling me. I broke your sleep too, sorry

Ram put a soft kiss on her hair and kissed her right-hand knuckle and kept it near his heart.

Ram: don't say sorry. You never told me about this before, why? 

I know it's happening because of my accident. I think you overstressed yourself for the last few days. I know you were scared to see me in that hospital bed. But that bad time has passed. I want you to take care of yourself and take plenty of rest. 

I know you must have supported my family and friends patiently after my accident but didn't share your pain and worries with anyone. I can't even imagine what you have been through for the last 2 months. 

My mind was occupied with my body pain so much that forgot about your struggle and pain. Sorry, you had to face so much trouble.

Priya: I'm scared to lose you after this accident. I'm happy that you're with me. But still don't know why I'm getting that nightmare.

Ram: You had your old trauma and on top of it this new one. It has created a scar in your mind and heart. please don't take me wrong but we can seek professional help if you want. It's affecting your health as well.

Priya: I remember that day, my hopes were shrinking day by day but all of sudden we saw your body movement in coma. I can't explain to you my happiness when the doctor gave us positive assurance and the first time when you open your eyes. 

Ram: Mrs Kapoor, I had to come back as I promised you, I'll never leave you. 

Priya: Now you promise me that you'll never take any such foolish risk again. 

Ram: Okay, you calm down. I promise 

Priya: I missed you like a hell in those days and you need to make up for that. 

Ram: As you say, my lady. 

Priya smiled and she was back to normal after their small conversation.

Ram: Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You look weak and sick. Going forward I'll take care of you and will book an appointment for you. no excuses 

My Destiny (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now