Snappy Wisecrack

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Everyone sat in the living room including Ram and Priya and Ram heard the last part of the conversation, wanting to ask Ram about something.

Ram: Akki, what do you want to ask me?

Akki: Jiju, you came without any luggage. Are you planning to leave today?

 Ram: Actually, I booked a hotel for us 

Shivi: Bhai, you both will not stay here.

Sandy: At least Pri di can stay with us

Priya (looked at Ram and then with a soft smile): I'm staying here tonight 

Ram: I've got some important work tomorrow morning, I'll come and pick up Priya later 

Sara was about to say but Shubu just entered the house and couldn't able to discuss it with Ram. Shubu greeted Ram and Priya and was very happy to see them. 

Ram enquired about his well-being but didn't ask anything about Nandini mom. Shubu can sense that it was a formal talk rather than a brotherly talk.

Sood sisters and Shivi had a long chat and decided to talk with Priya later. Ram was surprised to know that Shivi didn't invite Mom to the party but remained silent.

The evening party time started and everyone including their friends and family was present except Nandini and Meera Maa. The party was amazing and it was arranged by Shubham as a gift for them as per Shivi's taste.

Ram was waiting for Priya in the living room while she was getting ready for the party, he stood with boring eyes on her when she walked down the stairs. 

He was admiring her through his eyes. He knew how much she is affecting him and paralyzing his heart to think anything beyond her.

Priya wore a saree that hung so comprehensively with minimal makeup, she was tugging her hair behind her ear while coming down with a soft smile on her pinky lips. 

When both of their eyes meet in silence, there were no words to be spoken. Priya can't ignore her good-looking husband who looked deadly handsome in a black tuxedo with a contagious smile.

Priya( cleared her throat): how do I look?

Ram: Ravishingly gorgeous to stop my heartbeat 

Priya: Stop your cheezy lines

Ram (smirked): if you don't like my complement then let me take it back

Priya (with a pout): why? I know I'm looking good in this colour. Don't be greedy in complimenting me

 Ram (smiled): Darling, you look elegant and angelic with your innocent beauty today.

Priya (with a smile ): Shall we go

Ram (with a Duchenne smile): Let's go and enjoy the party with the rest

Ram's friends were glued to see Ram and Priya, they both look perfect with genuine smiles on their faces. They were happy for their friend.

Shivi and Akki cut the cake followed by the couples dance. Everyone was enjoying the party with food and drinks.

Ram was reserved at that party and tried to avoid disclosing his current situation. He was showing only a forced smile that didn't reach to eyes. There is nothing like old Ram and everyone felt his discomfort ness around there, Ram's gang tried to engage him.

Adi (to change the mood): I remember, Ram and uncle both wore the same colour at their parties.  

Bri: Really?

Ram( with a smile and running his fingers in his hair): Whenever there is a party thrown by dad means we both had the same dress code. He ran behind me until I agreed to wear the matching one. It wasn't difficult for him to convince though

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