Taste Your Own Medicine

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Ram was sitting in his room and Tarun entered with a paper that was sent by the lawyer. Ram engrossed in his thoughts about the morning incident 


Priya: Mr Kapoor, we can talk? but please don't interrupt me in between

Ram nodded his head to continue

Priya: This marriage has no future and I want the divorce. I've made up my mind. 

Ram was about to say but Priya stopped him.

Priya: Let me finish, please. 

We can't control our past that happened 15 yr back but one thing is clear there is bitterness between families and will stay ever.

We married for our family and I can't live here where everyone spits against my family. It would be better for us and our family if we separated. 

Mr. Kapoor, you deserve better in your life, not me.

Ram: If you think that you're a bad omen in my life then it's not true. Please don't take decisions based on this delusion. 

Just answer me one question, can you live without me?

Priya: Yes, I'll be back to my old lifestyle where no one will judge my dress or taunt me about my family or my financial status. 

You can live happily with your Vedu for the rest of your life.

Ram wasn't shocked by her move and sarcastic comment. He didn't utter a single word to Priya after this.

Ram: Gave a lazy smile, I don't need anyone who can make me feel contented. I'm alone enough to make myself cheerful and stay happy.

*Back to present* when his phone rang and disconnected the call.

Ram signed the paper with shaky hands and kept it on the table, thinking 

This is the day when my mom left me alone and I cried many nights without her warmth. I'm still hungry for motherly love and care. 

I thought I will share these memories with my wife and celebrate Mom's anniversary after 30 years.

Again history repeated, my marriage has come to an end on the same day.

The more I tried to hold my loved one tightly more quickly they slipped from my hand like sand. Maybe my love was not enough for her or for anyone. 

This is the bitter truth of my life, love is not for me and I need to stop searching for it. I'll make sure no heartbreak in the future, can't give power to others to control my life.  

Priya back from the Bakery around 6 pm but couldn't able to see Ram in their room. She freshened up quickly. Ram entered the room after some time 

Ram: Here is the paper that you wanted from me. I've already signed it and you need to sign so that I can send this to my lawyer, Are you sure Priya? once you sign means it's all over. 

Priya was surprised and didn't expect Ram to prepare the divorce paper so quickly, she thought he might take some days or will try to convenience her to stay with him. 

In her mind, I want this marriage badly and mostly Ram in my life but I have to play along. 

Priya: Yes I'm 100% sure. 

Ram forwarded the pen and Priya signed it. Both were standing silently with eyes clouded with tears without falling out. 

Priya didn't know what to say but her heart was bleeding and the pain was unendurable. 

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