Heart In Mouth

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Ram and Priya continued their conversation

Ram: Now I remembered that nosy lady, she was asking me and I just randomly told her. That lady is not important to us.

Priya: I know I'm not important to you anymore, that's why you didn't bother to stay in the room and talk with me when I was sick.

You didn't prepare my travel document, I'm not sure if you really want me to stay with you.

I'd forced you to stay in this relationship with me. You denied our marriage and being your wife in front of the world.

 Do you know what people will think about me and our relationship?

Ram: Priya, think before you say. I don't care about people but I do care about your opinion.

If you think I can stoop that low then I don't want to waste my time fighting with you. There is no point to discuss this and clarify your doubts.

Ram stormed out of the house with Joe to cool down while Priya was burning with anger at home. She was disappointed with Ram very first time.

Tarun heard Priya and Ram's conversation and came to Priya.

Tarun: Bhabhi, I was there when the lady kept asking Ram sir about his personal life. I felt he was irritated with her and to stop the conversation he might have told her that he has no family.

Even I won't feel comfortable sharing my family or any personal details with strangers whom I just met.

Also, Ram sir was helping me in cooking a lot when you were sick, he has a burn mark on his hand.

I shouldn't interfere here but I was the only witness here who can tell both sides of the story.

Priya: Thanks Tarun

Priya thought a while and felt that Tarun is right

Priya: Definitely Mrs Khanna asked about the family which is weak nerves for him and that's why he avoided replying to her.

I misunderstood him again and hit the hammer on our fragile relationship.

Tarun: Bhabhi, Ram sir can't stay angry for a long time

Priya: I know but he might think I'm taking him for granted

Ram sat alone under the hilltop tree and couldn't believe that Priya think so low about him. She never understands nor trusts me.

Ram (in mind): Dad I miss you a lot. I'm alone for the last 16yr and am tired of fighting with my fate every day. There is no one who can understand me, see my hidden pain, or can at least empathise with me except my friends.

I miss them a lot, I miss my brother Adi, his warmth when I feel low, need his shoulder to pour down my heart. I'm ok to be alone 

Priya rang him but his phone was off and waited for him the whole day. Ram returned home in the evening time and sat in the garden with his drink.

Priya: Ram, I'm sorry about my behaviour. I was very happy to come here and start our new life. I never felt alone when you were around me nor miss my family. 

When I came to know that you didn't consider me as your family, it hurts. I thought you rejected me as your wife and felt like you were pushing me away from you.

I was full of anger and pain which lead me to lose my tongue and spat out all the nonsense things. 

I don't want to justify myself but wanted to tell you exactly what happened that enraged me. This isn't completely my fault but my insecurity in our relationship triggered my anger and I lost control.

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