Clear The Air

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Ram and Priya sat silently on the hilltop and he noticed hesitation in Priya to continue their conversation. 

Ram (cupped her face and looked straight): Priya, say whatever is on your mind. I'm here with you with my ears, I would be happy to listen to you and to know your hidden battlefield.

Priya (in mind): I won't let this matter go, if he let me go away for a week that means you can do the same again in future. Can't he choose me every time? Am I expecting too much?

Priya: isn't it your responsibility to find out about me? just one call at least

Ram: Priya, I  was relaxed because you were with your family which is the safest place for you. I tried  but bad luck hit me

Priya: How could you leave me in Delhi? 

Your actions say that you don't care if I stay with you or not. It was a good chance for you to enjoy yourself without any interference. 

Ram: You left the city and your family because of me. I wanted you to be happy with your family and spend some quality time with them as well. 

Priya (annoyed face): You're my family and want to stay with you. Neither You understand me nor protest them, agreed to leave me so easily

Priya went to the edge and stood there holding the handrail. Ram kept his palm on top of her which was holding the railing and looked at her lovingly.

Ram (with a smile and clear voice): It's your life and your choice, I didn't oppose you going with them but that doesn't me you couldn't come with me if you wanted.

Priya (with a frown on her face): You mean it's my fault

Ram: No one is at fault here, neither them nor us. I choose not to restrain you with me, you silently agreed with your sibling's demand, they wanted their sister for a few days to revive their family time.

Priya: You're lying that you miss me. 

Mr Kapoor, you live here happily without me and I'll go back to Mumbai

Ram (with a clear voice): Believe me Priya, I missed you every minute, every second. You can't imagine how difficult it was for me. 

I didn't want to disturb your Mumbai trip but rather give you free space to make the best of family time. Simple

Priya (looked into his eyes): Ram, why your eyes are bloodshot red?

Ram: I couldn't sleep properly for the last 4 days without...

It hit me like a ray of the sun burning through my darkest night. You're the only one that I want. Trust me

Priya looked at him intensely and can't ignore what his eyes depicting

Priya was about to leave the place when Ram held her wrist to stop her.

Priya: Let's go, it's getting late now

Ram: Not before listening to all your complain 

Ram: Priya, I know you have a lot on your mind and are disturbed for some reason. Please share with me now if comfortable. 

I want you to pour everything that's in your mind, just like this rain is pouring to clear the atmosphere and gives us calmness. Please don't hold back, just let it flow perpetually without overthinking

Priya: Where to start

Ram: We do have a lot to share, you can ask me anything without any hesitation

Priya: Do you still think that I stay here with you only for my family and mother's respect so that no one can blame my mother for my broken marriage?

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