Parched By Sunshine

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Everyone was shocked to see Nandini and Shubu. They left the dining table and gave a disgusting look. Nandini ignored everyone and moved toward Ram.

Nandini: Ram, can I borrow you for 10 min. We need to talk and resolve our differences.

Ram: There is nothing left to discuss, I'm not in a state to understand you

Nandini: I'm not going to talk about me or Shubu but rather about you and Priya.

Ram: About us?

Nandini: I came here to take my elder son and his wife home.

Ram: We're comfortable here and I don't have any intention to share the same roof with you.

Nandini: You both are perfect for each other.

Priya is good for you and she cares for you a lot. so please don't take the divorce from her and she deserves a second chance in your life.

Priya was bewildered by Nandini's sudden change in behaviour. She couldn't able to figure out if it was real or again faking to impress Ram.

Ram: It's our life and I don't think you should interfere in it.

Nandini: Shedded crocodile tears. I know you still doubt my intention, I tried to break your marriage because of my insecurity and wanted to amend it.

Now I'm trying to see from your perspective. Just giving you a suggestion as a family

Ram: please don't worry about us. I can make my own decisions.

Nandini: You can't run away from the situation. You left the house without telling me anything.

Ram: I didn't feel that I owe anyone there. I'm not answerable to anyone or anything

Nandini: You may feel that I'm faking but I'm thinking like your mother now and worried for you.

Ram: Are you worried about me and my marriage or about the 50% alimony?

Anyway, if anything happened to me in that accident then Priya would have been entitled to my whole assets as a legal wife.

Now she is claiming 50% for a divorce settlement. It's Priya's legal right. I'm alive means you are still in a better position. Don't you think so?

Nandini: I never harm you physically nor want to. You're the one who called mom first and I realised motherhood feelings. I can see VK's reflection in you.

I came here for you only, we're family after all and it's my responsibility to guide my children. You're insulting me and hurting my feelings.

Ram: Sorry if it hurts you but when I introspect my past and current situation then realize that I never had any family after my dad's death. I lost my mother at age of 7.

Nandini: My Ram wasn't like this

Ram: Ram Kapoor who you knew was dead after seeing your true face behind the facade. This Ram Kapoor version has nothing to do with anyone.

Nandini: Who am I then?

Ram: You are my dad's second wife.

Nandini: Forget about me, who are Shubu and Shivi?

Ram: They are your family, your son and daughter

Nandini: Your anger is justified but you can't ignore your siblings. You're the elder son of the family.

Ram: I was never part of your family no matter how much I try. I'm only dad's elder son, not your

Nandini: You're ok with your friends who leaked the annulment paper to the media and tried to defame our family name but you can't forgive your dad's family.

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