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Everyone was sitting in the lounge area with ice cream and chatting

Bri: We didn't go for any vacation or a small break as Adi was busy. I'm bored and desperately needed a break, can we plan for this weekend.

Adi: Baby, we have got some important meetings and also need to sign a new contract. We can't go on vacation this weekend.

Ram: Adi, you take leave next week and go out with Bri. I'll manage everything at the office.

Bri: Maybe we all can go to the farmhouse or even Goa this weekend just for a change. Priya has never been with us on any outdoor trip. It will be fun.

Vicky: I love this idea. It's been a long time since all 5 went on a holiday together. But what about the office? who will cover our absence?

Ram: You guys go and enjoy, I'll take care of the office next week. Don't worry about work.

Bri: either we will all go or no one. Jaan can't you take 2 days off for me.

Kunal: agreed, we all need a break. It's being long due.

Adi: We can't leave everything to Ram. this contract is very important for our company.

Bri was a little upset with it and said so your priority is business contract more than me.

Ram: There is nothing more important than you Jaan, if she wants a break then we'll go to the farmhouse or wherever she said. Priya, are you ok to come with us? There is no pressure.

Priya: Yes I can go.

They all agreed to go on Friday afternoon and will come back on Sunday night. Everyone went back to their home and Ram and Priya back to their room as well.

Priya: It was nice to see everyone under the same roof and enjoyed the food and had a good time.

Ram: Yes, we had a good time today with family and friends today.

Priya: agreed, I noticed you and your gang can change the whole atmosphere wherever go. I have only one friend twinkle and not many.

Ram realizes the hidden loneliness in it. Priya has a loving family but you can't share everything with your family the way you share with friends.

Priya: This will be the first time when I will be going on a trip without my family and I don't want to ruin your plan.

Ram: Don't worry, they will make you comfortable in their company and I'm also there. So just relax, nobody will judge you on anything. Hope Bri won't have any other plan. She is so unpredictable. It's getting late now, tomorrow you have to go to college. Good night.

Priya: good night Mr. Kapoor.

Ram left the room and went to another room to attend his meeting. The next day, Ram went to the office and preponed all his meetings so that he will be free before 5 pm. Everything was set and they were all ready to go. Ram held the car door for Bri and Priya and let them settle in the back seat. Adi was in the driving seat and Ram in the passenger seat.

Bri: are you ok Jaan? You look very tired. did you sleep last night? 2hr /3hr

Ram: I'm fine Jaan. I hardly slept an hour or so yesterday, I had a late-night meeting and went to the office early today. just headache and a little tired.

Ram popped medicine with water and told them that he will be alright before they reach.

Bri: take a nap now and will wake you up once we reach. Bri is busy talking with Priya again

Ram couldn't take a long nap due to a call, he answered the call and ended by saying, you please send the document and I'll sign it and add a nominee for it.

Adi: Ram, It's not a business call but rather something else. what are you hiding

Ram: You're also accusing me that I'm hiding! pathetic. I always shared every single bit with you. Anyway, you'll know it when you sign the document as the nominee.

Bri: Jaan, Adi is a fool. I guess an insurance plan or investment plan

Ram: It's my future plan.

Adi: Sorry, I didn't mean it, just joking and you got serious. so you want to secure your future

Ram: not mine, It's from a charity organization where they do the children's eye operations free. You can donate your eye after your death and someone can see this beautiful world again.

Adi: It's a novel thought, I'll do the same for myself, will follow your path. People can get a sight like mine.

Ram: We all look into the same thing doesn't mean we'll see the same. People are sighting the thing as per their perspective. Look at this water bottle. What can you see?

Adi said water, Priya said half-empty water bottle , and Bri said half-full water bottle. Ram smiled and said you got me, right.

Priya: oh gush, it started raining. I thought we will have nice weather to enjoy this trip.

Ram: How beautiful it is! Every droplet has a story to tell, it has a feeling when it touches your skin and reaches to your heart.

Priya: Please don't start again. I know you love the rain the same as you love Adi.

Adi: What? Ram compared me to rain. I'm top of the mountain now. I can't go to the moon though. I thought Ram loves Bri more than me but Im happy to be proved as wrong.

Ram: Stop it, Adi, I love you both equally. Just focus on the road. Ok. Bri, do you have any plan for 2days or any random one?

Bri: We'll plan it as we go. Take it easy

Priya was thinking, this man is different from others, like a dream to be a true character that everyone wants to live with him. He is a caring, accommodating, and empathetic person.

They reached the farmhouse after 2 hr of travel and relaxed in the sitting area. Kunal and Vicky joined them on 15/20min. They ordered the food from outside and decided to watch a movie that night. After dinner, they all settled on the couch but then boys couldn't decide on the movie  and started fighting like kids. 

Bri: stop it, we will watch my favourite movie and no more argument please. I don't know what will you guys do without me.

They silently agreed with Bri and watch that even though they wanted different. Priya was smiling to see their childish behaviour. Priya and Bri watched the movie till end and enjoyed it. When they looked at other found everyone slept except them. Vicky and Kunal went to their room with half opened eye.

Bri smiled to see that Ram and Adi slept on the couch. Ram was keeping his head on Ad's shoulder and Adi was holding him tightly. Bri took a photo before putting on a duvet. They both went to bedroom as well.

Priya: Can I ask you about Ram's past if that's ok

Bri: what do you want to know about Ram?

Priya: You guys know him very well and understand him. I would like to know him better.

Bri: yes I can give you an insight into Ram. do you want to hear Ram's version biography or the real naked truth about his life?

Priya: I need to know the real Ram, not which he shows to the world.

Bri: Life has no obligation to be fair to Ram, his childhood wasn't dreamy or perfect, he lost his mother at age of 7yr and longed for motherly love his whole life. Ram's dad loved him but died soon when he was about to put his feet in the business. He promised his dad that he will take care of the stepfamily and he has been doing this relentlessly. Ram's whole life revolves around his family and gave them the power to use him without being reciprocated by them. Ram's first love was Vedika in college, she was in my batch but she also ditched him for Sashi. Ram faced a financial crisis after his dad's death and then Vedika choose Sashi as he had more money. Everyone manipulates him and discards him like a tissue.

He is like an open book but a limited version. You can read only a few pages where he wanted to share his beautiful memories with the world. The full version is hidden inside his heart and hard to decode his painful and ugly reality, no one can read it except Ram.

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