Count Your Blessings

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Priya's mind was occupied with that incident and she was sceptical about Ram's reaction. This could be their life changing cross path.

Priya scooted from the room but Ram stopped her by holding her wrist tightly. He didn't let her slip away in this condition.

Priya: Let me go, Ram. I can't stay here after this, I need time. 

Ram: I'm so sorry to scratch your old wound again. But I assure you that no one can touch your finger in my presence. You're safe

Priya (cut him in the middle): I wanted to tell you this after our marriage but stopped thinking that it might affect Akki-Shivi relationship. After that got some opportunities but I was scared about our marriage and didn't get the courage to open up before.

Eventually, you came to know about my dark secret and you must be angry for hiding it. I know it will be difficult for you to accept me.

Ram cupped her face and asked her to look into his eyes straight, she looked at him with fresh tears rolling down her cheek

Ram(wiped her tears): Do you think I'll change my opinion about you after knowing it? Truth is you're my wife, my pride.

Priya: You deserve better and I'm not worth it.  I can manage myself and I don't need your sympathy or anyone to pity me. Leave me

Ram (hugged her to give assurance): I know you're strong and well capable to take care of yourself. But I'm here with you as your companion and husband to share life experiences. 

If I don't deserve you means I don't deserve anyone else either.

How can you say that? how could you even think that I'll leave you? not today, not tomorrow, it never gonna happen this unless you want to throw me out of your life

Priya (pushed him away): Why can't you leave me alone?

Ram (held her arm firmly): Because I love you, love you deeply and truly. I can't live without you 

Priya hugged him back and sobbed in his arm profusely. Ram let her pour her heart withholding her broken self and silently consuming her pain. He pulled her to settle on the couch and held her arms to give her comfort 

Ram(with a comforting tone while caressing her back): Trust me, Jaan. I love you forever. 

After a while, Priya got normal and stopped crying and she voiced her inner insecurity. 

Priya: I don't have any problem freeing you from me if you want. I don't want to be your unwanted wife in future when you realise that marriage was a mistake 

Ram: You're my beloved wife, my life will be meaningless without you. I promised that I'll do everything to keep you with me forever. 

Priya, trust me we can cross this huddle if we're together. I'll support you to pull from the dark side which is hunting you for a long time. 

Priya: Ram, you don't hate me after knowing my past

Ram(looked at her innocent face): Feed in your mind, Priya forever

First thing, I can't and will never hate you even if you hurt me or decided to leave me. Neither my love is shallow nor conditional for you. I give you my word to love you till my last breath.

Second thing, you went through so much trauma and were a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We can't change the sick mentality of our society but we can bring changes to our life

Priya (low voice): Sometimes your touch reminds me of that incident and couldn't control my emotion even though your touch is full of love. I feel disgusted and helpless

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