Rhythm Of Heart

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On Shimla's cold night, Priya freshened up after back from the restaurant and was standing on the balcony and lost in her thoughts. 

She was happy and enjoyed the time with Ram, everything was perfect today. She got a glimpse of his care and affection. He gave her a lovely surprise but something was still missing, not exactly the same old Ram. 

Priya (in mind ): I took time to get ready for him only, wanted his soft touch and little hug, not just compliments. I felt his gaze on me but he stepped back, he was confused about his feelings. When I take 2 steps forward he steps back. We never stayed on the same stage. 

Love is very complicated.

Ram: Priya, what's up?

Priya: Not much, can I get some coffee, please

Ram: why not

Ram called the room service and arranged their hot drink. They both sat on the balcony for a while and did small talk about the places that they explored. 

Ram: You know couples will have either expensive smooth wine or champagne to drink together but with you, I always ended with a coffee date.

Priya: So it's our date on the balcony. Not bad Mr Kapoor, I like it though

You know, I don't like alcohol and will never encourage you to drink it. Leave this for your dream date.

Ram: One day you'll drink with me, it's a challenge 

Priya: We will see

Ram: There is a serene in this place

Priya: I like this place. Maybe we can come another time

Ram: Sure, we can come in the wintertime to enjoy ice skating

Priya: Hmm.. thanks for doing so much for me

Ram ( with a big smile ): You're welcome BFF 

Priya( with brow furrowed ): So you did everything for your BFF, not for your wife

Ram: Both are the same person. The difference is my wife never asked me anything but my BFF never hesitate for anything. BFF vibe which makes you comfortable with me and you're opening up.

Priya: Fair enough 

Ram: How's your coffee?

Priya: Good, isn't the same coffee you are having?

Ram: Mine is Espresso and your is Cappuccino

Priya (with a confused and sad look ): Ram, can I ask you something?

Ram could see seriousness on her face and he nodded his head to continue  

Priya: Nowadays I feel one thing is missing in your eyes. I can't see the love that it was before. I know you said that let's forget and move on but it felt like you're still stuck there.

As you said earlier, we take 2 steps forward and then 5 steps back. I feel this time you took 10 steps back

Ram: I can't deny your judgement. I need time to pull myself from there

Priya: Somewhere this is my fault

Ram: Not at all. 

This is due to my own weakness. It hit the worst fear cord of my heart and now I'm too scared to dive into the ocean again.

Priya: I know how it felt when someone breaks your trust and heart

Ram looked into her eyes and then moved forward the balcony railing and then gazed into the stary bright sky

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