You're My Destiny

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The rain not only calm down the atmosphere but rather reduced the storm in their heart arose. They knew that no matter what the weather comes, they would stay together.

They held each other's hands in the rain with a smile on their faces. They came back home with Joe after a heart-to-heart conversation. 

Ram: I'm finally back home

Priya (gave a confused look): Ram, you back 3 days ago, right?

Ram( with a smile): Yes but it was a brick concert house without you for these days. Our home is where we live together.  It was difficult for me to live here without you, Priya. I missed you and our house too

Priya( with a winning smile): This small distance gave us chance to realise our value in each other's lives and cleared a lot of misunderstandings.

Life is full of surprises and there is a reason for every event that happened in our life.

Ram (small peck on forehead): I feel the gap between us is reduced and our bond is getting stronger. It was fruitful but I don't want it again in future

They changed their wet clothes quickly before catching a cold. Ram came out of the washroom while wiping his head on a towel. Priya kept staring at him like tomorrow never comes.

Ram (snapped the fingers ): Stop checking me out like this Priya

Priya: This line should be from me whenever you bored your eyes on me next time

Ram: Only I can do it, I don't want anyone to look at you the way I do

Priya: Is it you got the licence for it? 

Ram: Of course, I'm your husband

Priya: Same rule is applicable to me dear husband, the equality rule.

Ram (fake angry face ): Let's just talk about something else

Priya: But one thing, you look super cute when you're nervous or blush like a teenager 

Ram (a little embarrassed): No Priya, I'm not. Stop teasing me like this

Priya (giggled to see his face): Next time I'll take a video and share it in SM, let's see other's opinion

Ram (to change the topic): Priya, I'm drenched because of you.

Priya (with a mischievous smile): I thought you love rain. This is a small payback for not finding a way to talk to me for the last 2 days. 

Ram: Why didn't you tell me that you're coming home? I could go to pick you up from the airport

Priya: This is a little punishment for leaving me in Delhi Mr Kapoor. 

Ram (engulfed her in his arm): I'm sorry, I know you're hurt but it happened unintentionally.

Priya: I'm still angry with you and be ready to face my wrath

Ram:  You can please reserve everything for tomorrow. I'm prepared to accept all your scolding and punishment without any questions.

Priya: Ok, a tough time is ahead for you. Remember

Ram (with a smirk): I know how my wifey's heart melts like a puddle in a minute.  And, I can see someone blushing and turning red

Ram knew how she react to his touch and heart so well that it won't be difficult to pacify her

Priya hid her face in his neck crook and held him tightly. She felt a bandage on his left hand wrapped and asked about it

Ram: We had a small accident yesterday in the work area. Nothing serious, just a small scratch

My Destiny (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now