ski trip [1]

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Hearing the sound of your alarm, you couldn't help but groan in annoyance as you turned it off.

You groggily sit up in bed then remember why you were up so early today. But then, you weren't so annoyed anymore. Why? You were up this early to go on a ski trip with Auli'i. You haven't seen her in years, actually. And the two of you have recently reconnected due to a work event and decided to take this trip. And since you were driving- well, she was driving. You weren't too excited about being in a car for that long due to the fact that you were prone to getting car sick. However, she was so excited about it that you felt terrible to say no. Heading into the kitchen, you got yourself a drink of water then popped an antiemetic to be prepared for the long drive. Then, you put two slices of bread into the toaster. You sit at the dining table to wait, staring at the wall clock on the wall in front of you.

Abruptly, you were pulled out of your thoughts hearing that your toast was ready. Jumping slightly in your seat, you shook your head as if to get your eyes to focus. While back to the table, you remember about your phone so you make a detour to your room to get it before starting on breakfast: Buttered toast. That's as good as it's gonna get for 5 in the morning. As you finish up your breakfast, you receive a text from Auli'i that she'll be arriving in twenty minutes to pick you up. So, you swiftly wash up the plate then went to wash up and get changed.

Pulling off your tank top, you toss it in the hamper. Next, you opened your wardrobe doors and stared at the options in front of you. Sweatshirt, t-shirt, or a different tank top. Eventually, you got annoyed with yourself and just grabbed the first sweatshirt you saw, along with a pair of jeans. Once you got changed, you washed your face, did your hair and double checked the bags that you've packed. All with about five minutes to spare. Finally, you waited out by the door with everything for Auli'i to arrive.

~~ • ~~

Thirty minutes in, you were still feeling pretty good. You were quiet, but Auli'i didn't push you to talk because she understood that it was still rather early. "You feeling okay?" She asks, "I know it's early and all, but I wanna make sure you're okay."

"Yeah. I am." You smile, taking a peek at her, "I just- I'm thinking about how much time has gone by since I last hung out with you."

After Moana, she'd moved to New York, while you were then based in L.A. for several years. Before all that, it wasn't that you were best friends that were 'joined at the hip', but more so, you were the kid always being picked on and Auli'i was pretty much your only friend. You two still stayed in contact, chatting online at first...but then, your careers both picked up. Daily chats became weekly, then biweekly. Finally, they became monthly 'check-in' texts that faded into nothing till a month ago. Only then did you start chatting with Auli'i again frequently.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Auli'i nodded, seemingly a little sadly, "I don't have a good r-"

"Then so am I. I'm so sorry, Auli'i. I don't know why I just gradually stopped talking to you. Because I definitely do not hate you. You were my only friend for the longest time. I guess I just saw that your career was taking off and I thought you didn't have time for me anymore. 'Cause, you're a freaking Disney princess but...who am I?"

Your words made her heart sink as a glint of sadness were seen in her eyes that she very quickly tried to hide by blinking profusely and turning up the music. "Y/N, life happened. We grew older, we got jobs, we moved forward with our lives. Don't be sorry."

"Then, why are you saying sorry to me?"

She laughs lightly, "I don't know, I just- I feel bad for not staying in touch with you." She sniffles, you see her swallow from the corner of your eye as you get that knot in your throat you knew all too well, tears formed in your eyes. You took a deep breath, "It's okay." "We'll be going on all day, back and forth with the apologies if we don't stop it somewhere."

Your destination was just about three hours away, a beautiful ski resort that Auli'i absolutely took charge of finding and making reservations for because having never been skiing, you had no clue which one was a 'good location'. So...she took charge of that part, no questions asked. While you, were going to be in charge of trying not to embarrass yourself on the trip by falling or...well, actually promised to take pictures, videos and even cook up a nice meal or two on this trip.

"We're almost there...are ya ready?"

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Sunday, 26 March 2023

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