a habit for a reward • requested

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It was currently Friday afternoon, 4:35pm. Auli'i was sitting on the couch answering emails while you were at the dining table, writing a script- it was an assignment for one of your classes. And, you've been working on it all day. Being in front of that computer screen for ten over hours was making you feel anxious- your heart seemed to be racing, you couldn't stop bouncing your leg and you also couldn't stop picking at your scalp.

"Babe." Auli'i warned, "Baby, you gotta stop doing that."

You knew she was talking to you, but for some reason, your brain just did not register it. As you stared at the screen, the words on it began to seem fuzzy to you. Blinking furiously, you abruptly felt someone grab your wrist. "y/n, stop scratching. Otherwise it'll bleed." She coaxed, sitting down on a chair beside you.

You took a few deep breaths before realising it was her talking to you. "I can't help it." You spat out without thinking. "Yes, you can." She said firmly. "Baby, what are you working on? The script?"

You finally got focused again, not on the computer, but on Auli'i. "Yeah- I- yeah. I just have to write a few more pages before I hit the goal."

She squints, "If this is the one for the class assignment, you have plenty of time left, my love. Why are you rushing yourself?"

"I spent the past two days lazing around doing nothing, so last night I told myself I'd write a third of it today. And I just-"

"Baby, you were down with the flu. You weren't 'lazing around." She grabbed your hands in her own, she saves your draft and shut your laptop. You resisted, but she ignores it. "Look, you can continue working on it, but you must remember to take breaks. Otherwise you're just going to drive yourself insane overworking yourself." She told you. "So, what we're gonna do right now is to cook something for dinner together, then we're gonna eat."

You listened quietly.

"After that, you can continue working on that for awhile. And if you don't scratch yourself anymore, I'll give you a reward." She smiles knowingly.

You gulped, "A reward? Can you take me out for frozen yogurt?"

"I can, but I also had something else in mind." She giggles, her fingers aimlessly tracing the skin on your thighs. You raised a brow, understanding what she meant after pondering for a moment.


"Mhm." She grabs your face by the chin and kisses you on the cheek then led you by the hand to the kitchen, "Really."

Well, who could resist that offer, right? You had to fight those urges to scratch, otherwise...it was your loss, definitely not hers. Auli'i always came to your rescue, no matter the situation. However, you were very grateful that she always firmly stopped you from scratching. You'd be scratching yourself till you bled, otherwise. This habit of yours was bad, and your learned it the hard way, on multiple occasions. And yet, it still happens. Sometimes. It was way worse just a month ago. When you had to actually be on stage, acting. It was also for a graded assignment, but still. It was horrible. You literally couldn't wash your hair for almost nearly a week while waiting for the scabs to heal.

— • —

While you were in charge of dicing the Spam and some veggies, Auli'i was washing the rice before letting it cook in the appliance. Meanwhile, the two of you were engrossed in lighthearted chatter. "Carrots and corn, any other vegetables you want in there, babe?" You asked.

"Mm, no. That's good." She says back.

"Alright." You put the cutting board aside then went back to your mug of water on the kitchen island.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now