Sweet Revenge*

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📌 The following content contains mentions/descriptions of blood, violence, attempted sexual assault. Reader discretion is advised.

"Hey, Jane. Have you seen y/n?"

"No, sorry."

"Oh, my god. y/n, pick up, please!" Jos said to herself, pushing way out of your favourite coffee shop.

"Jos! Wait- you didn't let me finish. Ella saw her go to the bar nearby."

"Oh, God. Thank you, thank you." Jos continues exiting the place, bumping into Ella on her way out- she'd just came back from her break.

It wasn't late at night, but Jos was worried the second she heard about where you were headed this evening. The minute you revealed your plans to go to a bar, she got a feeling in her gut that something was about to happen. You called her a worrywart for it, because usually, even though she wasn't wrong, they never turned out to be that serious. But of course, you had The Power now, you could take care of yourself. Jos ran the two blocks to the bar that Jane told her the name of.

I t was insanely crowded. She literally had to weave through group of people in that place and keep her eyes peeled for you. Jos had no idea what you were wearing tonight- and she'd asked. But you didn't answer.

"Hey, you see her in here?" Jos asks the bartender.

"She's been in the bathroom awh-"

"Fuck you!" Jos' ears perked up at your cry, making a mad dash for the bathroom. "Move! Get out of the way."

When Jos stepped into the bathroom, she sees a guy practically fly out from a stall, hit his head and fell. "Freak!" He screamed.

Jos ran into that stall, but not before zapping the hell out of him and giving him a couple of punches to the face, "I knew it, asshole. You're lucky I don't kill you right this second because I sure as hell can."

The guy scurries off before Jos could do anything else. You were so out of it, she didn't know what to do. But could see the blood on your inner thigh. Her blood ran cold as she took a second to collect herself before helping you up. "We're going to the hospital."

You told her shakily that you didn't want that, but she insisted. "y/n, please. It's just to be safe."

"I couldn't have been safer- yet he still got to me."

"What did he do?"

"What do you think, Jos?" You asked harshly, getting into the front seat of her car unsteadily, "I don't want to go to the hospital, I'm fine. I fought him off. The blood is from him clawing at me."

"Are you sure?"

"I just want to go home and get some sleep, please. Jos, I can't take anymore of this anymore- this night."


Jos took you home, got you ready and tucked into bed. "Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Actually, yeah. Will you? Please?"

"Of course, y/n." She stays seated, "Do you want anything? Water? A snack?"

"No, I'm good. Really, he didn't do anything more then try to touch me and then try to put his fingers in-"

"y/n, I got it. You don't have to say it." Jos stops you.

"That's I zapped him. And he...flew. Guess this is why we got The Power." You sighed softly.

She nodded in agreement, "Did you clean the blood off?"

"No, I'm tired." You shook your head no and just snuggled under your blankets.

"Those scratches looked pretty bad, y/n. What if they get infected?"

"Jos, please." You pleaded, "Thank you for helping me, but I'm just feeling a lot right now and I can't-"

""I'm sorry, y/n." Her eyes softened, "I'm just worried. I'll let you sleep, alright? I'll be on the chair if you need anything." Before Jos got up, she presses a kiss to your forehead and caressed your cheek.

'I'm sorry I just let you go on your own. I should've been there with you and this wouldn't have happened.' She thought to herself as she sat down on the armchair by your bay window, watching you sleep. Jos was so glad that it wasn't the worst case scenario that she'd witnessed, but it was no denying that it was a traumatic event.

Neither of you brought up what happened that night again. It was as though it hadn't happened. Friday afternoon, after school let out, you were with Jos at a park near her place. Just to hangout, as usual. A couple bags of chips and a can of soda each.

"That night, what happened...I just wanted to tell you that the next morning, after you left I went to see a doctor. She said I was fine, Like, there's nothing I need to be concerned about other than the fact that one of the scratches might leave a bit of a scar. But the bruises, and the fact that he tried to touch me...they took note of it and I made a report after they gave me an exam. But there's no guarantee they'll even go forward with it because...that's a problem they have. I even scratched him too so they actually managed to get his DNA."

"We know that guy. He goes to our school."

"I know that. Just that- if they end up going anywhere with the investigation, they probably would ask me to pick him out of a lineup or something."

"You already talked to the police?"

"Yeah, that morning I did."

Jos replies with a solemn 'okay', "I'm just glad you're okay. I'm sorry I didn't protect you better."

"Jos, you did what you could. But I still went against your advice." You stopped her. "It's not your fault."

Jos looked at you and gave you a small smile, her hand reached down into the bag of chips at the same time you did- her hand brushed against yours, causing a literal spark to be felt. "Sorry." Jos chuckles, pulling her hand away.

"Jos, can I tell you something?" You cleared your throat, "When I saw you punching that guy, I was...wow. I don't know- I just liked that for some reason."

"What are you saying?" Jos asked quietly.

"That, that moment. Made me realise, you are the one I've had feelings for all this time. That was really-" You revealed. She cuts you off before you finish your sentence, cupping your cheek, "Can I give you a kiss?"

You gave Jos a quick nod, responding by leaning in. She presses her lips against yours, both of your lips moving in sync. "I like you, too."


Unedited. Originally Published: Sunday, 07 April 2024, Tumblr

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