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Another SVU crossover type fic bc I love the show :D 18+ only. Chapter contains mature themes, and distressing scenes. Including but not limited to: mental health, criminal activity, coarse language. Reader discretion is advised.

Olivia's been drifting in an out of sleep since she got into bed two hours ago. As she shut her eyes again, she hears a thud from the apartment next door. That jolted her awake and she gasped. Thinking nothing of it, she took a couple deep breaths and closed her eyes once again. Until...Noah woke her up. Hearing her son's voice, she woke up, concerned. "Noah, honey, what's wrong?"

"There's someone at the door."

"Okay, I'll go check. You get back to bed, alright?" Olivia nodded, inevitably yawning as she peeked at the clock on the wall. 10:15. It was one of those rare nights where Olivia got to go home on time and (attempt to) sleep at a decent hour.

"Okay, mama." The boy said, returning to his room.

The knocking had stopped, but Olivia checks the peephole anyway. Someone was there. She started knocking again, then Olivia opened the door carefully. "Y/N. What's the matter?"

"Someone broke into the apartment and-" You choked on a sob, "He raped me."

Well, there goes her sleep. Olivia knew it was too good to be true. "Come in, honey. Sit down. Give me a minute, I need to text Noah's sitter."

"Don't tell anyone." You snapped.

"No, no. Y/N, I'm just gonna ask Lucy to come over because I have to go to work. No one's gonna-"

"Oh, my God. Auli'i's at an award show." You rambled, "Oh, my God. How am I gonna tell her something like that?"

"One thing at a time. Y/N, we can't talk if you're so worked up. Alright?" Olivia quickly texted Lucy to request for her to come over and keep an eye on Noah. She had a long night ahead. "First thing's first, I'm gonna take you to the hospital so a doctor can examine you." Olivia decided, "Come on, honey."

It was an eerily quiet ride to the nearest hospital. This was likely most at ease you felt all night. Minus the crazy nausea you were feeling. And the ache in your stomach. "Y/N, do you want me to pull over?" Of course, she notices something was off. "No, I'll be fine." You declined. Anyway, you were dead set of having Olivia there with you when they did the kit and collected any evidence. She didn't even hesitate and just stayed by your side. By the time you were done though, and after Olivia's gotten your statement, there Auli'i was- sitting in the waiting area. Well, you're fucked. She wasn't alone though, one of Olivia's coworkers that you actually recognised was talking with her.

"I'll send you home, okay?" Olivia offered.

"Mm, no, no!" You went into a panic, "I don't want to go back there."

"How about a friend's place or a relative?" She asked softly, fulling expecting such a reaction. You told her you had a friend living 15 minutes away from the hospital so she agreed to send you there- after she told Auli'i and her coworker, Fin, the plan.

— • —

"She disclosed to me. I took her to Mercy General for an exam, a rape kit. She didn't want to go back home so she's now at a friend's place." Olivia tells her squad, "The attacker knew her well enough to know her to use it in his favour. The doctor told me the victim has a desmoid tumor in the muscle wall of her lower left side of the abdomen. That is, among other medical conditions. The attacker put significant pressure on the area to cause her pain and basically incapacitated her. She tried to scream, he knocked her head on the wall. She got scared, kept quiet."

"Did she see how he looked like?"

"Yes." Olivia revealed, "She gave us his name, and his pictures."

"Liv." Rollins huffs, "You're saying they've met?"

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