leave the light on

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"Y/N. Hi."

You could tell she was tired. You could tell you'd woken her up, but you couldn't sleep and somehow you thought it'd be a good idea to give her a call.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"I'm sorry to bother you so late at night, I don't know who else to call."

"Y/N, it's okay. Just talk to me." She assured, sounding slightly more awake now.

"My friends asked me to go to out with them, we had some drinks and they ditched me. They were my ride and I'm drunk, Auli'i. I don't want to get a cab because-"

"Y/N, where are you? I'll come pick you up?" She simply asked.

"Bottle Ground."

"Bottle Ground?"

"Yeah." You confirmed.

"Okay, stay on the line with me. I'm on my way." She tells you.

"Okay. Okay, thank you."

You waited outside the pub, leaning against a pillar with your arms crossed over your chest and phone in one hand. You weren't even sure how much time had passed until you heard a honk that pulled you out of your daze. Looking up from the ground, you see a maroon coloured car pulled up on the road right in front of you. You blink to adjust to the lights, noticing that it was Auli'i. You made your way over to her car and got in. "Do you feel like throwing up?"

"No." You let her know, "Just a little too out of it to be making my own way home on public transport."

"I'm glad you called me."

"Come on, I woke you up from your sleep."

"Doesn't matter." She shrugs, offering you a bottle of water at a stop light. You gratefully accept it and took a few careful sips.

"Why didn't you ask me to take a cab and hang up on me?"

"What?" She squints, looking at you through the rearview mirror. "Because I'd be worried if you'd gotten home safe or not."

"Aww." You cooed, leaning closer to her in the space between the two front seats. She laughs, "I told you. You can come to me for anything and I'll try my best to help."

"Thank you."

— • —

"Y/N, did they leave because they decided to hook up with someone?"

"Oh, yeah. You know it. They keep persuading me to go out then just ditch me. I don't know why I keep going out with them. It's like I'm a joke to them."

"Ditch them." She says.

"Hm?" You blink furiously, trying to focus.

"Get rid of those people. They're not really your friends if they're doing that."

"Yeah, then I won't have friends anymore."

"Those are not friends, Y/N. They promise to spend time with you then end up leaving you alone after you're drunk."

"I am terrified. I suck at making friends, so if I break it off with them, I'll actually just be alone."

"Oh, honey. I've said this to you before the last time I saw you, and I'm gonna say it again- we're friends."

"We are?" You ask, a chuckle falls from your lips. You two were acquaintances at best — that's what you thought. She'd say hi when she passed by you in the halls, she'd be fine with sharing a table with you over lunch. Or sitting beside each other in a class.

"Yeah." She smiled, it makes you smile too. As always. Her smile was incredibly contagious. "If you ever wanna hang out to grab a lunch or dinner, go to a movie- anything. Ask me out."

"Really? You'd be okay with that?"

"Why not? You've been nothing but nice to me." She shrugs, "You're chill, I think you'd be a great friend to have."


"Seriously- don't hesitate to text me, even if it's just to talk about something random from your day."

"Okay." You promised.

— • —

Unedited. Published: Friday, 06 October 2023

Here's a short little one-shot inspired by another one of Johnny's songs. (Attached in the media box)

Leave a vote if you enjoyed. See you in the next imagine :)

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