memory could fail

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18+ only. Heavy subject matters including but not limited to: criminal activity, sexual assault, anxiety

"Do you guys have any idea how fucked up this is? I didn't consent to donating my embryos. I didn't sign that."

"Mrs. Cravalho, are you saying that this isn't your signature?"

"It's not. I never sign documents this way- this is for autographs only."

"Okay, thank you."

You put your key in the door to open it, greeted by a puzzling sight. "Chlo, Is everything okay?"

"We're from the Manhattan SVU." One of the detectives spoke up first. You send your little girl, Tabitha to her room with a snack and a juice box while you sat down with Auli'i to understand the whole situation.

"Your wife got these things in the mail today. A woman claims to have delivered a baby boy with your wife's embryo- she wrote a letter thanking her, along with pictures."

"I mean good for her but what sicko doctor does such a thing without permission? Or forging a signature for that to happen?"

"We will get to the bottom of this- you have our word."

"Please." Auli'i nodded tearfully. You felt absolutely sick to your stomach just hearing about what happened. You couldn't imagine how she must be feeling.

"Thank you for your help, Mrs. Cravalho. We'll be in contact as soon as have any updates. Is there anything else you can tell us that would help us with the investigation?"

"I've told you everything I know, detectives. I'm afraid not."

"Alright, take care. Call me if you need any help or think of anything else, alright?" Auli'i accepts the name card before the pair of them leaves. You let them out, then returned to her side. "I was gonna talk to you about it but you were out with Tabby so I didn't want to upset you while you were out. I also contemplated even reporting this-"

"You did the right thing reporting it. What that damn doctor did is so wrong, Li'i. If she actually got your consent, so be it. Good for them, you helped a couple become a family. But the thing is, she did not. He faked your signature. He shouldn't even be allowed to work anymore."

"Oh, my God. What if this boy isn't the only one the doctor helped couples conceive?"

"Babe, take a deep breath. Okay? Look at me. Look at me. The best thing we can do right now is to let the police do their jobs."

"I know, I know, baby. I just- that's so disgusting." She shudders, "How was your day out with Tabby?"

"Good, she had fun pulling me all around Macy's to get stuff she wants." You chuckled, "I only let her get a t-shirt and one toy."

Auli'i grins, "Thank god you took her out for a bit. I was a mess."

"You want something to drink? Tea? Coffee?"

"I'll go for some tea." She nodded, "I'm gonna go be with Tabby for a minute, okay?"

"Alright, my love." You press a kiss to her cheek before she got up and walked to Tabitha's room. "I'll be right there."

Normalcy was damn hard to return to after that. Two days go by before the same pair of detectives - Kain and Norris- showed up. "We talked to Doctor Rowse. She denied. So we're gonna need you to testify."

"Testify? How likely is it that I'll win?" Auli'i gulped, "I mean- it's- shit! The press will get all over this."

"Unmarked cars will stay in your area till everything is over. We will make sure you and your family are safe." Kain assured, "We also talked to other patients of hers. You aren't the only one that had this happen- we have a solid case against her."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now