moving in together • requested

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"I don't like the last place we saw."

"That's okay, we'll be checking out other places tomorrow." Auli'i informs you.

"Oh, why is house hunting so hard?"

"We'll find one, babe." She says, snaking an arm around your waist.

Your initial plans were to live in New York, but once the both of you truly considered the cost, you two stuck to Los Angeles instead. Even with a slightly better situation in terms of cost to own a place, you and Auli'i were still having some trouble finding the perfect home.

You currently lived with Auli'i in a decently sized house. But you two knew there were way better neighbourhoods. And also, you just wanted a change of scenery. She brought it up first, and you loved the idea- that you would get to do everything from designing the interior and getting the furniture with her, down to decorating the place and truly making it your own.

The next day, the two of you found yourselves in Encino with your realtor to view a house. "Three beds, four baths, backyard with a pool and extra space for anything else you want to add."

The backyard really was a selling point for you and no one's lived in this house before so it was brand new- even more reason for you to love it. Auli'i on the other hand loved how spacious each room and area in the house was. Other than all that, the house just felt...right. The two of you just knew in your guts that this was the house. Sharing a look, Auli'i then tells the realtor, "This house feels like just the one."

— • —

"Are we repainting the whole house?" You ask.

"Just the bedrooms for now." She answers, "I want our room's walls to be a different colour, though."

"What colour do you have in mind?"

"Um...actually, I'm not sure yet. How about you?"

Pretty soon, you were shopping for the new house at Ikea. But, that took hours and hours to be completed because you wanted your space to be perfect. Talk about getting an interior designer even came up, but Auli'i convinced you to let her do it. Well, not just her. But for the two of you to do it yourselves. You'll have to admit- it's been a lot of fun.

The whole house eventually became a modern Mediterranean style. It took nearly two months, but you two were finally moving in today. Putting together the last piece of furniture, you and Auli'i stood in the middle of the living room to take in everything. It felt like such an accomplishment. Oh, and another plus? This house was way nearer to her Mother's place. So if the two of you were planning for the future, having the proximity to someone you trusted was great.

— • —

"What do you want for dinner?"

"Ooh, are you gonna cook?"

"We have a couple hours till then. We can go stock up the kitchen, don't forget." Auli'i shrugs.

"Right." You nod, "Let's go then."

"How about we make pizza for dinner?" She suggests after getting into the car.

"Oh that sounds so good. I have that easy recipe for the dough."

"Yeah, that's why I thought of pizza." She chuckles, beginning the drive to the nearest grocery store. "You wanna play some music?"

"Okay." You went onto Spotify to play one of her favourite songs. As for what came next, you left it up to the app. Admittedly, you dozed off after a few minutes. You've had a long week at work and have barely gotten enough sleep. You just didn't want to let Auli'i know and have her be so extremely worried.

Of course, she knew you were tired. And why. She just didn't say anything and helped you in whatever way she could.

— • —

Auli'i did the grocery shopping speedily. You were both out of there and on your way home in no more than one hour. You didn't question it either until she asked you to go take a nap. "I'm fine, babe." You tell her.

"I know you are. But I also know you've had a long week of work this week. Take this time to just relax and chill while I whip up some dinner." She cups your cheek, pecking you sweetly on the lips, "You don't have to sleep if you don't want to. Just...take it easy."

"Okay, thank you." You smiled gratefully, then returned the kiss before heading upstairs. You were feeling a little crummy so you decided to take a nice bath. Soaking in the tub of warm water sounds like heaven right now, so that was just what you did.

Meanwhile, Auli'i was making the pizza after she'd tossed a tray of potato wedges into the oven. Oh, and Rocco's somehow found his way into the master bedroom and just laid on the floor waiting for you to be done with your bath. Once the pizza was baking in the oven, the potato wedges were done so she took put that tray before going upstairs to look for you.

"Hey, you." She knocks quietly then walked in. Rocco followed behind her.

"Hi." You smiled, "What's up?"

"Nothing. The pizza's baking so I just wanted come up here and be with you for a bit."

"Oh." You sigh softly, looking at her as she got herself comfy on the floor. "You set a timer for the pizza, yes?"

"I did." She giggles, "Anything you wanna talk about?"

"Nothing bad happened at work. I just had to meet with a lot of big clients this week so it was stressful. But, that's done now so I'm glad to just be home and with you."

"I love you so much." She says, her thumb caressing your forearm that rested on the edge of the tub.

"I love you too, baby."

Dinner was a quiet affair. The lights were dimmed, a nice candle was lit, the love of your life was seated right across from you, the food was scrumptious. All felt good in the world. So peaceful.

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Unedited. Published: Saturday, 21 October 2023

Here's another cute little request. Hope you enjoyed💗

* Picture used in the media box is from Pinterest & credit to its rightful owner(s)

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