happy birthday indeed

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18+ only. Smut.

"So you're just gonna ignore me, Auli'i?" You pushed the front door shut, tossing your keys on the credenza beside the door.

She'd been teasing you all day. Kissing you at every chance she could, being touchy all day, and the way she looked at you. All this told you about what she had in mind. But when you finally buckled and attempted to reciprocate, she intentionally stops doing anything or saying anything. All day.

She doesn't respond verbally but circles you, snaking an arm around your wait and just groped you on the ass. You glared at her at this point, your annoyance slowly bubbling into a bit of anger. And a lot of frustration of a certain kind. The worst part was at dinner- the girl quite literally moaned into your ear as she ate her dessert and that sent a chill down your spine, along with uncontrollable urge to just grab her face and make out with her. But of course, that didn't happen with it being in public and all, that was an immediate no for you.

"You're such a brat."

"Oh, you haven't seen the worst of it yet." She smirks, an arm now wrapped around you.

"Oh. Haven't I?" You spun around, locking her in your embrace as her hands similarly fell to either side of your hips. "Teasing me all day and I when I try to return the favour act like you weren't the one who started it? My patience has limit, birthday girl."

She raised her brows, seemingly in thought for a second, "But you know that's just how it is...I'll be good for you when we really get started."

Oh, boy. She knew how to make you feel crazy. But you knew it wasn't fully true- she was an absolute brat in the sheets. Not that you didn't like it, but still. Sometimes you just wish to do the same thing to her. You were about half a head taller than her, so just barely.

"I doubt it." You kissed her after saying that, and you saw her smirking when you broke away.

"We'll see." She grins, kissing you back, hooking her legs around you one after the other. You smoothly held her by her thigh on one hand, with your other hand on her back. She attacks your lips without a break, her tongue roughly shoving itself into your mouth. "Come on, babe." She talks, "Give me more."

You wanted to scoff, but she doesn't allow it- things were heating up and heating up fast. You backed her against the kitchen island and she bit down on your lip. "Shit!" You cursed under your breath. Auli'i chuckles, her lips working their way downward, now along your jaw. She makes you tilt your head to allow herself better access to your neck.

"Uh-uh. Uh-uh, no." You blinked furiously, moving away from her lips.

"No? You don't want me to kiss you?" She licked her lips, watching you closely to see what you did next, "You don't wanna kiss your little princess?"

You so wished you could wipe that smirk of her face, but it was doing something to you. Making you incredibly hot and flustered internally. You had something better up your sleeve anyway. "Lay down." You smiled, matching her attitude.

"Ooh." She laughs, pushing herself up onto the island, "Going for something different, aren't we, love?"

The playful, almost childish glint in her eyes becomes more and more apparent. "You're lucky you're adorable." You leaned over her, your hands on either side of her on the countertop holding yourself up.

She laughs giddily, caressing your cheek, tucking loose strands of hair that was blocking her view of your face behind your ear. "What are you waiting for?" She pinched you on the cheek, then abruptly pulled your face closer to her own so she could kiss you. Not expecting that action from her, you toppled and fell onto her. "Close, babe." She whispered, "Go lower." With your chin resting just below her breasts, you stared right into her eyes.

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now