city lights

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"Auli'i, where are you going?" You ask with a laugh as she was holding your hand and running.

"You'll see."

"See what?" You ask, starting to feel a little tired, "Auli'i, can we stop for a sec?"

"No, 'cause. Here we are."

Your vision begins to focus on the sight in front of you, when all of a sudden...your alarm goes off. The blaring noise jolts you out from your slumber. You groan frustratedly as you sleepily locate your phone and sat up in bed as you turned the alarm off.

Oh. It's just a dream.

The school day went by uneventfully. A few people wished you happy birthday, but that was it. The classes you hated were still boring, while the classes you seemed to enjoy...time passes really quickly. Y'know, the usual.

When the last bell for the day rang, you were headed for your locker to unload all your books into it. "Hey, Y/N." You hear a soft voice call for you vaguely. You continue walking, "Y/N." You stop in your tracks. You definitely heard this one.

"Happy birthday."

"Oh, Auli'i. Thanks."

She smiled, "I was wondering if you were free this evening? Maybe we could...I dunno. Hang out? For a bit?"

"Oh." You said back, "Sure." You mirror her smile as you put your books into your locker.

"Cool! I'll see you at seven tonight? We'll go for dinner and stuff."

"Yeah, sounds good." You agree. "Great, I'll swing by your house to pick you up?"


~~ • ~~

You and Auli'i weren't the closest. You two were acquaintances at best, but she's always been nice — she'd say hi whenever you pass her by in the halls at school, you've sat with her at lunch a couple times when you couldn't find a seat in the crowded cafeteria.

Now, since it was the weekend and you didn't have any plans other than finishing up your assignments. It was only because you were absent the previous week since you were ill so you had some work left to do, but you were actually feeling pretty excited about tonight.

Once you got home, you put your backpack aside, picked out your outfit for later then went take a shower. You felt a little sweaty and gross after your exercise session in the campus gym earlier, so as tired as you felt after the long lectures you'd sat through, you forced yourself to stay awake and take the shower because you surely needed it.

After your shower, you decided to work on the assignments to pass time since you were now feeling more refreshed. While you phone was charging and your outfit for the evening was picked out, you focused on the laptop screen in front of you to do a graded quiz. It wasn't long before you needed to get ready to go. Just as you finished getting ready, your doorbell rang. Auli'i was here.

"Hey, pretty girl."

"Hey, Auli'i." You said back, "You look amazing."

"Hehe, thank you." She chuckles, "Ready to go?"

'No, I'm nervous as hell.'

"Yep. Let's go."

You might be nervous, but if you'd chickened out because of that, you would be missing out on whatever this was with Auli'i. She drove to a little family-owned diner just outside of town...the food smelled heavenly and the place was nice and peaceful. It was as perfect as it was. "So..." You both said at the same time.

"Oh." You chuckled, "You go first."

"Okay." She nods, brushing the hair out of her eyes, "I just wanted to say, thanks for agreeing to come out with me tonight. And uh...I'm hoping you got the letter I sent you last week. Because, Y/N...I really, really like you."

"Oh." You reply, then her words eventually clicked, "Oh."

You were fighting the smile on your face as she smiled at you, her cheeks beginning to burn a crimson red.

"I- I. Uh, I got the letter and the answer is...yes."

"Y-yes?" You gulped, swallowing a sip of her iced water, "Really?"

"Yeah." You confirmed with a nod, reaching for your glass.

She squealed, "Oh, thank God. I honestly thought you'd reject me."

"I thought you would reject me." You revealed.

"You're smart, you're funny, and you're kind. Not to mention so goddamn beautiful."

There it is. The moment that would very possibly have you making a fool out of yourself. She called you beautiful and you just instantly felt flustered.

"All you, c'mon."

"Respectfully, shut up because you are gorgeous. And your smile's so fucking cute. Makes me smile like an idiot every time."

"Aw." You managed to say.

She laughs a little bit, "Anyway, after this...we're gonna be going somewhere."


~~ • ~~

"Auli'i, where are we going?"

"You'll see." She grins, taking your hand in hers.

""See what?" You ask, starting to feel a little tired, "Auli'i, can we stop for a sec?"

"No, 'cause. Here we are." She tells you.

You'd stopped at a point on the trail where it overlooked the city. It was dark, but the lights coming from buildings illuminated the landscape in little dots scattered all over. And there it was, a swing- she guides you to sit down, allowing you to relax after a rather long walk as you took in the beautiful sight of the city lights in front of you. It looked busy, but was so peaceful because you were so high up and away.

"This is great, Auli'i. Thank you so much for tonight. I had an amazing time."

Tonight was the longest you've spoken to her for and you feel like she just gets you. It did not take you long to feel comfortable with her- she's made this evening easy.

"Anything for you, babe." Auli'i beamed, intertwining your fingers and giving your hand a squeeze.

~~ • ~~

Unedited. Published: Saturday, 29 April 2023

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