the parent project [3] • requested

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"I've never had students tell me their projects consisted of no kids and a double-income family. But it also never said that wasn't allowed- you two made it work and it was well-presented. Good points. Well done, ladies." Ms. Caruso decided. You smiled of relief while you sneakily took a peek at Auli'i- she was biting back a smile. You were so glad this was over. She said she didn't hate you anymore, but things still felt awkward. There was something else.

The remainder of class was other pairs were presenting their work. You could hardly pay attention because you felt Auli'i's eyes staring at you, practically burning a hole in your neck. When you finally had enough of that uncomfortable feeling, you turned around and caught that look on her face. And God, you swore that you could just kiss her right there, but who the hell were you to do that? She knew what you were thinking too, because she just winked at you. Flustered, you turned your focus back onto the students at the front of the class. And just like that, the rest of class has just become a little more agonising to get through.

You hurried out of the classroom, desperately trying to get home as soon as possible after the bell rang, signalling the end of Ms. Caruso's class and the school day. But before you could even step out the hallways, Auli'i's stops you. "Where are you off to?"

"Hm?" You let out an absolutely strained response. She completely caught you off guard.

"Where ya going?"

"Home. Why?"

"Nothing. You wanna- hang out?" She asks. By the look on her face, that simply wasn't what she meant.


"You walk home?"

"Yeah, I do." You answer while adjusting the strap of your backpack on your shoulder.

"I know a place we could go. Let's take a drive." She took your wrist. Auli'i actually took your wrist and led you put of the school and to her car.

"Come on, get in." She gestures to the front passenger seat.

"You're not messing me right and then taking me somewhere, break my neck to murder me?"

"Y/N. What the hell are you talking about?" Auli'i sighs, "I don't hate you. And you really should stop watching that Dolores Roach horror show. It's clearly messing with you."

"How'd you know I was watching that?" You chuckle, getting into the front seat and shutting the door.

"I followed you on Instagram. With a finsta, but, yeah."

"Oh." You glared at her, shocked. "You do?"


"Okay, where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"Isn't this the way to your house?"

"Aw, you remember." She teases you with a laugh, "I know, but that's not where we're headed."


She drives past her house. Way past. It took about fifteen minutes before she finally pulled over. "Where are we at?" You ask while unbuckling your seatbelt. Peeking at the oddly familiar surrounding through the windshield. "Our first destination." She gets out of the car, "Come on." You lost sight of her for a second until you realised she'd opened up the trunk of the car and was sitting there.

She was sitting on the edge of the open trunk, a picnic basket beside her. You followed suit, a little awkwardly. "You remember this place?" She asks and you feel her eyes on you even though you were looking at your dangling feet.

You couldn't answer and felt bad, but she chuckles and says, "It's changed a lot since the last time we've been here. Right there was were we talked for the first time. On that playground. They took it down, though. So now it's just- that pond and some trees and bushes."

"We talked when- we talked in school."

"I know. But you were so shy I couldn't get a conversation going with you until I saw you here after class that day. You were just sitting there on the swing. I went up there, said hi and I looked like you were about to burst into tears."

Once she started describing all of that, it slowly started coming back to you.

"I made you laugh, though." She recalls, "And then that playground just became our little hangout spot."

"Auli'i, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean hurt you."

"I already told you - it's okay. In hindsight, it got you to where you are today. That time I saw that I saw you at the party? That's history, besides- I'm glad Astrid-"

"Oh, no, no." You stop her, "She kissed me. I was drunk- the kids there had mw drink 'just because' we were playing a drinking game that I was too naive to know about till it happened. By then I was too hammered. I barely remembered that."

"No, she didn't do-"

"I'm fine. I was fine, she didn't do anything because soon after that whole kiss thing, I stayed for like a few minutes before it hit me and I rushed home."

"I'm glad you're okay. And again, I apologise for treating you like crap."

"I've heard worse. I've been called worse. It's okay." You assured.

"Here, I didn't know if you were gonna agree to come here with me so I kept it simple. Also, I had to keep this till after school." She opens up the basket and hands you a Nutella sandwich. You caught a glance and saw that there were also PB&J's, chips and hummus and some drinks. She got a peanut butter jelly sandwich for herself and took a bite.

The two of you ate in silence for a little while before the conversation got picked up again. Chatting with her seemed easy again, like there wasn't a care in the world right now. You loved this feeling. "Auli'i, why'd you ask come here?"

Her face gets serious for a second then her gaze was intensely locked in with yours. "I still like you, Y/N. I really do."

Your heart skipped a beat hearing those words come out from her mouth. Your breathing hitches and your hands were scrunching up that sandwich bag so tightly your knuckles turned white. You feel her breath now, closer and closer to your own face. You knew what was coming and you wanted it, but you were scared. Scared that it was all a prank. "Y/N. Look at me." She cups your cheek, the warmth of her palm against your face practically makes you melt into her touch but you were still wary. "Look at me, we've been through some shit but I want us to move forward." She speaks, "What do you say to that?"

"Okay." You agreed, chiding yourself mentally to just go for it. Why wait any longer? This was what you wanted.

"Okay." She nods, hurriedly pulling your face even closer for the yearned kiss. And holy shit, her lips were so soft. Some spark just ignited in you and you just kissed her back even more deeply. She pulls away very slightly for a second, chuckling, "Maybe we should uh- take this to the car." You agreed silently with a nod of your head. She hoists you up and the two of you were quickly in the rather tight space of the passenger seats in the back.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." You had your arms wrapped around her neck, she was just hovering above you right now and as much as you could not keep your eyes of her, you couldn't help but feel a little bit self-conscious. You took a deep breath and focused Auli'i instead.

"You're so beautiful. My God."

"You are forgiven."

"Damn." She laughs, running a hand through your hair.


Unedited. Published: Tuesday, 29 Aug 2023


The ending is a little shaky, but this is the end of the story for the requested plot:)

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