Here's To Us • requested

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Auli'i was a very creative individual. Sure, the world knew she acts, sings and dances. But what seemed to be your little secret was the fact that she could write. Your wife of two years had such a way with words. But she doesn't show off that side all that much. You worked as a scriptwriter in film and TV. A few months ago, when the both of you had the opportunity to work together, it was the very first time you saw that particular skillset of hers.

The script called for a romantic confession so the two of you were spending quite a bit of time figuring out the best one for the characters— which you have actually modelled after yourselves. There were a couple writings printed- those were yours. Hers were mostly written in the notes app of her phone.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She says, standing up and stretching.

"Okay, babe." You nodded, eyes focused on your laptop screen, then your keyboard. Then, it was Auli'i's phone that she's just left there. It was a habit you two had, but also complete trust in the other person. She couldn't care less if you'd saw a text from someone first or pick up a call first. Quite frequently, you'd take her phone and sneak her a few selfies. She does the same. It's become like a little running joke.

Auli'i's left her phone on a particular note that seemed to go on and on. Curious, you leaned over to take a peek.

'I met this girl today. She's not the first one I've went out with, but the first one I was absolutely enamoured by. Her personality is so similar to mine with some contrast, somehow making us seem like a perfect fit. She's a dog person, but she loves Rocco. I'm more of a cat person but I saw a picture of the old golden she used to have and I instantly fell in love with the little fur-ball just like she did Rocco. These are such little things but they just feel so important and mean so much to me. Her smile...even a small one lights up a room.

I like how she remembers my cafe orders, my favourite TV show, my favourite book, and my favourite movie. Even something as silly as my favourite mug. I've been seeing her for a little over a month but it feels like she's the best friend I've had for my whole life. She knows and remembers every little thing about myself that I mention. Always paying attention to me. I've never once felt like she was pretending. She's so pure and genuine and beautiful. I feel so lucky that she seems to feel the same way about me. We had our first time tonight. Every single minute felt like magic. I can't wait to see her again.

I'm in South Africa to shoot a movie. Covid's got her for the week. It hurts my heart to see her so sick. But her energy stays high, it felt amazing to see her even through a computer screen. Riele met you today, said she can't wait to hang out with you when we're all back home. I see a lot of you in her- your personality shared a lot of similarities. She's been a great friend to me since we started the project. You were supposed to come with me, y/n. But you're not here. Even then, your effort to spend time with me despite feeling unwell really touched me. You really didn't have to do that, y/n.

You were better- the rosy pink hue returns to your cheeks. What a relief that was. Riele crashes our video call again, but briefly this time. She greets you and left me alone to talk to you. It's funny how it feels like you were right there with me even though you were in fact in a whole different country. I love making you smile, I love making you laugh. Because when I see you smile and laugh, I do the same. I feel happier.

I'm back in L.A. now. You welcomed me home, waiting for me to return to my apartment. What a surprise that was to see you again after two months. Hugging you in my arms felt like the best feeling in the world. 'I got the job!' You told me over dinner. I kissed you, glad you didn't push me away. I was so proud that you'd achieved your dreams.

Today marks a year, and it feels like I've went through a lifetime worth of emotions and memories with you. Irreplaceable memories. Riele and Asher threw us a party- it was cheesy, but it was sweet of them. The way your cheeks flushed a deep pink when you saw Riele — one of your favourite actresses from your youth. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Rubbing your back, I managed to calm you down. We had a blast, and eventually, they leave. And we head home too. You kissed me, shutting the door to my room but opened up a night full of bliss with you.

Summer rolled around and so did your birthday. I took you home with me to Hawai'i. You met my Mom and my best friends - they adore you. A huge weight was lifted off my chest seeing that you were less-reserved. I worry, that you weren't comfortable meeting new people. But you proved me wrong over time. I recognise this change and I feel a sense of pride in your gaining of confidence.

We spent Christmas in New York City, a place you'd always wanted to experience. You said yes to me. We were engaged. I felt like my life was only going to get better from here. But then I lost Rocco, my best buddy of several years. You took care of me and was so patient. But you hid something from me- something I wished that you would've told me about the minute you found out. Why were you suffering in silence?

New Year's Day, you couldn't take it and you cried in my arms for hours. And that's when you told me. That you'd been sick for the past month, dealing with something the doctors couldn't diagnose. We spent what was the hardest days of our lives that week in the hospital. You kept apologising to me, but it was okay. I understood. You weren't ready to share yet.

Valentine's Day- we got you a diagnosis but it's been a tough fight. The spark in your eyes has dimmed but my love for you only grew, watching you persevere. I was amazed by your strength, feeling myself falling in love with you over and over again. We went to Disneyland to celebrate, just the two of us. There I saw your innocence, how you said hi and hugged your favourite characters as a kid. You didn't even think about the monster of an illness once. I didn't want you to. Because you were going to be back in the hospital in a week to get rid of it.

Spring. All was right in the world again. You've gotten your strength back, and your playful personality. We took a road-trip before our pitch meetings for a handful of networks. I kept auditioning meanwhile, having you- my biggest cheerleader right by my side.

Summer. A network buys our pilot to produce. We started working together with them, gathering crew and the perfect cast for the project. Filming also begins, and seeing that you seemingly have found your calling made my heart so happy. We went to work everyday with a smile on our faces...'

"I see you found the letter." Auli'i's voice pulled you out from your little moment, "Kinda cheated a little and used some lines in there for the possible dialogues."

"It's such a sweet letter, baby."

Auli'i chuckles, the smile on her face growing wider, "'s about you and you're the sweetest person I have ever met."

You mirrored her smile, "I love you so much."

"I love you more, sweet girl." She caresses your cheek.

"How much of our story did you use so far?" You asked casually.

"Eh, not the very obvious things." She answered, "Very subtle. But these different possible confessions, I have quite literally copied and pasted whole lines from the letter."

"I might be a little biased but think it's quite possibly the best thing I've ever read." You told her.

She guffaws, "Here's to us, my love." Clinking her glass of rosé with your own, she locked eyes with you briefly.

"Here's to us."

— • —

Unedited. Published: Sunday, 07 April 2024

The content is a tiny bit different than your request🫢

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