enchanted [2] • requested

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The movie hasn't been playing tor long before Auli'i asks for your notebook and pen. Though a little bit confused, you were too engrossed in the movie to think more about her request and simply handed the items her way. You hear her tell you 'thank you' so you gave her a smile before you return your gaze to the big screen.

You felt something poke your arm so you looked in that direction. Seeing that it was what seemed like a neatly folded note, you took it from her and quietly opened it up to give it a read. She hands the pen to you, so you took that too before looking in front again.

'Where are you from?'

You nearly snorted trying not to laugh- why was she asking you this? Smiling to yourself, you quickly scribbled your answer and gave the paper back to her after folding it. It was quite the challenge being in a movie theatre.

You shot her a look meaning to ask her why she'd ask you that. She begins writing on the piece of paper.

'Would you believe me if I said I've seen the movie so many times I can recite it without sound?'

Was she bored?

'A little?'

You couldn't help but let out a chuckle. 'So what do you have in mind?' You wrote down.

'I'm thinking about the afterparty.' Her response said.

'I'm not allowed to the afterparty:('

'Just stick with me! I'll get you in. Hehe.'

It was a miracle you could actually read in the dark. You folded the paper back into a smaller piece without writing anything else, but instead looked at her. She nodded, mouthing to you telling you not to worry about later. Then, she points towards the screen, urging you to continue watching the movie. She knew for a fact you wanted to be focused on it, after all, that's what you were here for. Right?

— • —

Throughout the rest of the movie, Auli'i was periodically handing notes to you— that you'd reply to, of course. A note-passing conversation with your crush? I mean...who doesn't want that? Besides, she knew when to hand those notes to you too, making sure you didn't miss those absolutely important scenes.

Then...the movie came to an end, guests began to exit the hall while cast and crew members filed into a different part of the building. Auli'i quietly took you by the hand and lead you away from the hall. You didn't even get a chance to process what was happening. "Um- are you sure this is okay?"  You ask while taking the lanyard off and putting it into your bag. "Yes." She nodded firmly, "Come on."

She was right. None of the people on the movie even batted an eye that you were there. She did introduce you as her friend, so that's probably why. No, no. That was why they didn't say anything. First order of business for her? A drink. Maybe two. She hands you a glass of champagne which you gratefully accepted, taking a sip as she began talking. "How'd you find the movie?"

"I'm a little biased. I'll still like the animated version more because you voiced the protagonist."

"Fair." She grins, "How long are you in town?"

"I graduated from college so, I won't be going back to New York unless I wanna visit some places." You say while getting onto a barstool.

"Right. So you're staying in town for good?"

"So...you want me to stay in town, for good?"

"Uh..." She purses her lips together, avoiding eye contact for a brief moment.

"Aw, is that a yes, Auli'i?"

"Of course, I'm not gonna force you to stay in town. It's not like I won't be in New York every few months anyway." She smiles sheepishly, trying to hide her blush by taking a few sips of the alcohol so the glass was blocking her face. Suddenly, her expression changes. Worried, you followed her gaze to see what she was looking at. "How'd they get in here?"

"I...I don't know. I didn't see him when we were walking over here." You squinted, trying to make out who he was.

"It's the girl that was sitting beside you."

Right. The one that asked for an autograph then just went back to texting god-knows-who.

"Oh." You frowned, "The guy from the VIP section as well."

"They'll probably just sell those autographs online or something." Auli'i mumbled.

"Excuse me, Auli'i?" Someone with a camera approached her and taps her on the shoulder. They were some media people asking for photos so they could write an article on tonight's event. However, she was clearly not in a good mood. Even though she did fake a smile for the camera as you stepped aside, you knew she was upset. And it broke your heart. Once those people were gone, her smile fades, "People always do this. I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm so upset over this tonight."

"I'm sorry."

"Ah, whatever. At least I got to talk to you." She gives you a tiny smile.

"I'm just really happy to be here tonight. I never would've expected to be able to talk to you practically all night." You admit, "I've been a fan since the beginning."

"I know that and I appreciate you for being there through it all. Talking to you has been like talking to my best friend- it doesn't feel like I'm meeting someone I've never met. You know what I mean? It's great."

"Y'know...uh, never mind. You don't wanna hear about all this..."

"Y/N, I'm all ears." She looked at you right in the eye.

"Honestly, winning the contest for tonight really helped me through getting ghosted by my boyfriend. We've been together over a year and he suddenly just doesn't talk to me. I saw him in a store and at the mall multiple times after he started doing that. He just kept avoiding me."

"He sucks."

"He's a homophobe who's afraid to admit it." You scoff, "I came out to him, and he immediately sent me a green-faced emoji then I got blocked."

"Screw that moron." Auli'i gasped, "Y/N, I'm so proud of you."

You scoffed, taking a new glass of champagne, "He's definitely my ex now. But you're proud of me? Yeah, you don't have to say that just to be nice."

"Y/N." She glares at you, "I'm serious, it's not an easy thing to be dealing with." She gets closer to you and put an arm around your shoulder, eventually she hugs you. And you truly needed it. "Thank you, I- that was rude of me."

"Don't you even worry about that. I get it. Trust me. But I genuinely am so happy for you that he's an ex."

Truth be told, when Auli'i heard that, she was happy- both for you and herself. Does that mean she had a chance? She was beginning to really click with you and would most certainly like to get to know you better. She wanted more.

She just didn't tell you yet.

2AM, you lay in awake in your bed wondering who she loves...if she had anyone special in her life. Last you heard, she was dating someone. She just brought it up in an article she wrote, but her significant other was never seen on mentioned any other time. Private but not secret— y'know.

You were praying that this was the beginning of your story, not where it ends...her name was echoing in your thoughts, haunting your peace in mind. The night was flawless, you were never going to forget that. But now that you were alone...you couldn't stop thinking about it all- everything that happened to night was playing in your mind in a loop. You were thoroughly enjoying reliving those moments you shared with Auli'i. But your doubts made it tough for you. You hated that. Frustrated, you screwed your eyes shut, praying:

"Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you."

— • —

Unedited. Published: Saturday, 11 November 2023

Had a bad day at work, so I decided to take some time for myself to finish up this part:')

50th chapter, yay<33

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