can't blame a girl for trying [1] • requested

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You'd just moved into a new neighbourhood. So, you thought of doing something nice. Especially for the girl next door who helped you move your stuff in earlier that day. Now that you were all settled in, you head out to the grocery store to stock up your kitchen and pantry. Walking out to your car, you see the girl next door reading a book on her porch with her cat beside her.

"Hello!" She looks up and saw you.

"Hey!" You abandon your task of getting to your car but instead went closer to her, "Thanks for helping me out this morning. Can I buy you a drink sometime?"

"Oh, no need." She smiled.

"Are you sure?" You ask, "Not even a coffee? I feel bad."

"Don't feel bad. I'm glad I could help." She assured.

"Oh, I just realised I have not even asked for your name. How rude." You chided yourself.

She chuckles, "I'm Auli'i."

"Hi, Auli'i. I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Y/N."

You gave her smile before bidding her goodbye, "I'd better get going, see you around."

"Bye, Y/N." Auli'i waves before you turned around and got into your car.

A couple hours later, you return with your groceries and now a mission to make Auli'i the best damn chocolate cookies she's ever had. Just as a way of saying thanks. You wanted to give her a little something for her help- you were used to returning the favour.

— • —

That evening, you rang her doorbell, holding a Tupperware full of a variety of chocolate chip cookies. "Oh!" Auli'i did not expect to see you, "Wow, Y/N. So soon?"

You laughed, "I know you said not to buy you anything so I made you some cookies. Just take it, okay? You helped me out so this is just a little thank you."

"Okay. Thank you, Y/N. I'll uh, return the Tupperware back to you soon."

"Okay, no hurry. Good night." You shrugged.

You were about to leave when she says, "Wait- you wanna come in for dinner? I have a friend over, but we'd love some company."

"Really? I wouldn't want to impose..."

"If you don't want to, I'm not gonna force you. But my friend Lauren made her signature homemade pasta."

"Pasta? Damn, you got me there."

"Great!" She squealed, "Come on in!"

"Lauren!" She exclaimed while leading you to her kitchen, "This is my new neighbour, Y/N."

"Oh, nice to meet you, Y/N." Lauren turns around to lay the table and greeted you. "You're in luck. According to this girl, my pasta's to die for."

— • —

"Where are you from, Y/N?"

"Um- I've been all over, really. My parents are from New York, born and raised. But I was born in Singapore and spent my life there till I came to the States for college. Was in New York for that and I just moved here to work."

"What do you do for work?" Asked Lauren.

Auli'i's eyes widened, "Lauren! You don't just ask-"

"I'm just curious. But she doesn't have to tell if she doesn't want to."

"I opened a restaurant in town with a group of my friends from college."

Limerence • Auli'i Cravalho (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now